Yannick  Forster
Yannick Forster
BMW Group
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Driver compliance to take-over requests with different auditory outputs in conditional automation
Y Forster, F Naujoks, A Neukum, L Huestegge
Accident Analysis & Prevention 109, 18-28, 2017
Increasing anthropomorphism and trust in automated driving functions by adding speech output
Y Forster, F Naujoks, A Neukum
2017 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 365-372, 2017
User education in automated driving: Owner’s manual and interactive tutorial support mental model formation and human-automation interaction
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, J Krems, A Keinath
Information 10 (4), 143, 2019
A human-machine interface for cooperative highly automated driving
F Naujoks, Y Forster, K Wiedemann, A Neukum
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 …, 2017
Learning to use automation: Behavioral changes in interaction with automated driving systems
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, M Beggiato, JF Krems, A Keinath
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 62, 599-614, 2019
Your turn or my turn? Design of a human-machine interface for conditional automation
Y Forster, F Naujoks, A Neukum
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on automotive user …, 2016
Improving usefulness of automated driving by lowering primary task interference through HMI design
F Naujoks, Y Forster, K Wiedemann, A Neukum
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017 (1), 6105087, 2017
Calibration of trust expectancies in conditionally automated driving by brand, reliability information and introductionary videos: An online study
Y Forster, J Kraus, S Feinauer, M Baumann
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
What and how to tell beforehand: The effect of user education on understanding, interaction and satisfaction with driving automation
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems, A Keinath
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 68, 316-335, 2020
How usability can save the day-methodological considerations for making automated driving a success story
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
Two routes to trust calibration: effects of reliability and brand information on trust in automation
JM Kraus, Y Forster, S Hergeth, M Baumann
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 11 (3), 1-17, 2019
Learning and development of mental models during interactions with driving automation: A simulator study
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, M Beggiato, JF Krems, A Keinath
Driving Assessment Conference 10 (2019), 2019
Test procedure for evaluating the human–machine interface of vehicles with automated driving systems
F Naujoks, S Hergeth, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, Y Forster, A Keinath
Traffic injury prevention 20 (sup1), S146-S151, 2019
Speech improves human-automation cooperation in automated driving
F Naujoks, Y Forster, K Wiedemann, A Neukum
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
Where we come from and where we are going: A systematic review of human factors research in driving automation
AK Frison, Y Forster, P Wintersberger, V Geisel, A Riener
Applied Sciences 10 (24), 8914, 2020
Self-report measures for the assessment of human–machine interfaces in automated driving
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems, A Keinath
Cognition, Technology & Work 22, 703-720, 2020
Checklist for expert evaluation of HMIs of automated vehicles—discussions on its value and adaptions of the method within an expert workshop
N Schömig, K Wiedemann, S Hergeth, Y Forster, J Muttart, A Eriksson, ...
Information 11 (4), 233, 2020
The third dimension: Stereoscopic displaying in a fully immersive driving simulator
Y Forster, S Paradies, N Bee, H Bülthoff, A Kemeny, P Pretto
Proceedings of DSC 2015 Europe Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition, 25-32, 2015
Empirical validation of a checklist for heuristic evaluation of automated vehicle HMIs
Y Forster, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, JF Krems, A Keinath
Advances in Human Factors of Transportation: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 …, 2020
Engagement in non-driving related tasks as a non-intrusive measure for mode awareness: a simulator study
Y Forster, V Geisel, S Hergeth, F Naujoks, A Keinath
Information 11 (5), 239, 2020
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