Edward Wijaya
Edward Wijaya
Stemrim, Inc. & Dept. Stem Cell Therapy Science Osaka University
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Transcriptional regulatory network triggered by oxidative signals configures the early response mechanisms of japonica rice to chilling stress
KY Yun, MR Park, B Mohanty, V Herath, F Xu, R Mauleon, E Wijaya, ...
BMC plant biology 10, 1-29, 2010
Supra‐optimal expression of the cold‐regulated OsMyb4 transcription factor in transgenic rice changes the complexity of transcriptional network with major effects …
MR PARK, KILY YUN, B Mohanty, V Herath, F Xu, E Wijaya, VB Bajic, ...
Plant, cell & environment 33 (12), 2209-2230, 2010
Transcriptomics analysis of salt stress tolerance in the roots of the mangrove Avicennia officinalis
P Krishnamurthy, B Mohanty, E Wijaya, DY Lee, TM Lim, Q Lin, J Xu, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10031, 2017
Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin spikes local inflammation that induces Th2 cell and T follicular helper cell responses to the coadministered antigen
M Onishi, K Ozasa, K Kobiyama, K Ohata, M Kitano, K Taniguchi, ...
The Journal of Immunology 194 (6), 2673-2682, 2015
MotifVoter: a novel ensemble method for fine-grained integration of generic motif finders
E Wijaya, SM Yiu, NT Son, R Kanagasabai, WK Sung
Bioinformatics 24 (20), 2288-2295, 2008
Recount: expectation maximization based error correction tool for next generation sequencing data
E Wijaya, MC Frith, Y Suzuki, P Horton
Genome Informatics 2009: Genome Informatics Series Vol. 23, 189-201, 2009
Advax, a delta inulin microparticle, potentiates in-built adjuvant property of co-administered vaccines
M Hayashi, T Aoshi, Y Haseda, K Kobiyama, E Wijaya, N Nakatsu, ...
EBioMedicine 15, 127-136, 2017
Detection of generic spaced motifs using submotif pattern mining
E Wijaya, K Rajaraman, SM Yiu, WK Sung
Bioinformatics 23 (12), 1476-1485, 2007
Chromatin accessibility identifies diversity in mesenchymal stem cells from different tissue origins
YT Ho, T Shimbo, E Wijaya, Y Ouchi, E Takaki, R Yamamoto, Y Kikuchi, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 17765, 2018
Longitudinal single-cell transcriptomics reveals a role for Serpina3n-mediated resolution of inflammation in a mouse colitis model
YT Ho, T Shimbo, E Wijaya, T Kitayama, S Takaki, K Ikegami, K Miyashita, ...
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology 12 (2), 547-566, 2021
Identification of salt gland-associated genes and characterization of a dehydrin from the salt secretor mangrove Avicennia officinalis
PA Jyothi-Prakash, B Mohanty, E Wijaya, TM Lim, Q Lin, CS Loh, ...
BMC plant biology 14, 1-16, 2014
Patterns of cis-element enrichment reveal potential regulatory modules involved in the transcriptional regulation of anoxia response of japonica rice
B Mohanty, V Herath, E Wijaya, HC Yeo, BG de Los Reyes, DY Lee
Gene 511 (2), 235-242, 2012
Probabilistic alignments with quality scores: an application to short-read mapping toward accurate SNP/indel detection
M Hamada, E Wijaya, MC Frith, K Asai
Bioinformatics 27 (22), 3085-3092, 2011
A hormone-responsive C1-domain-containing protein At5g17960 mediates stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana
RV Bhaskar, B Mohanty, V Verma, E Wijaya, PP Kumar
PloS one 10 (1), e0115418, 2015
Transcriptional regulatory mechanism of alcohol dehydrogenase 1-deficient mutant of rice for cell survival under complete submergence
B Mohanty, H Takahashi, BG de Los Reyes, E Wijaya, M Nakazono, ...
Rice 9, 1-8, 2016
Finding protein-coding genes through human polymorphisms
E Wijaya, MC Frith, P Horton, K Asai
PloS one 8 (1), e54210, 2013
Quantifying the relative immune cell activation from whole tissue/organ-derived differentially expressed gene data
E Wijaya, Y Igarashi, N Nakatsu, Y Haseda, J Billaud, YA Chen, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 12847, 2017
Mapping circulating serum miRNAs to their immune-related target mRNAs
B Nosirov, J Billaud, A Vandenbon, D Diez, E Wijaya, KJ Ishii, ...
Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry, 1-9, 2017
Reference-free prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads
E Wijaya, K Shimizu, K Asai, M Hamada
Bioinformatics 30 (18), 2559-2567, 2014
Modeling the marginal distribution of gene expression with mixture models
E Wijaya, H Harada, P Horton
2008 Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and …, 2008
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