Kai R. Caspar
Kai R. Caspar
Department of Cell Biology, University of Düsseldorf
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Collaborative open science as a way to reproducibility and new insights in primate cognition research
DM Altschul, MJ Beran, M Bohn, KR Caspar, C Fichtel, M Försterling, ...
Japanese Psychological Review 62 (3), 205-220, 2019
Ocular pigmentation in humans, great apes, and gibbons is not suggestive of communicative functions
KR Caspar, M Biggemann, T Geissmann, S Begall
Scientific reports 11 (1), 12994, 2021
Captive gibbons (Hylobatidae) use different referential cues in an object-choice task: insights into lesser ape cognition and manual laterality
KR Caspar, L Mader, F Pallasdies, M Lindenmeier, S Begall
PeerJ 6, e5348, 2018
The evolution and biological correlates of hand preferences in anthropoid primates
KR Caspar, F Pallasdies, L Mader, H Sartorelli, S Begall
elife 11, e77875, 2022
Effects of sex and breeding status on skull morphology in cooperatively breeding Ansell’s mole-rats and an appraisal of sexual dimorphism in the Bathyergidae
KR Caspar, J Müller, S Begall
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 638754, 2021
Eyes are essential for magnetoreception in a mammal
KR Caspar, K Moldenhauer, RE Moritz, P Němec, EP Malkemper, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (170), 20200513, 2020
Attracted by a magnet: exploration behaviour of rodents in the presence of magnetic objects
S Malewski, EP Malkemper, F Sedláček, R Šumbera, KR Caspar, H Burda, ...
Behavioural Processes 151, 11-15, 2018
Hematological convergence between Mesozoic marine reptiles (Sauropterygia) and extant aquatic amniotes elucidates diving adaptations in plesiosaurs
CV Fleischle, PM Sander, T Wintrich, KR Caspar
PeerJ 7, e8022, 2019
The evolution of primate short-term memory
E Herrmann, M Joly, L Loyant
Animal behavior and cognition 9 (4), 428-516, 2022
Fukomys mechowii (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)
KR Caspar, H Burda, S Begall
Mammalian Species 53 (1011), 145-159, 2021
New species reveal unexpected interspecific microhabitat diversity in the genus Uthina Simon, 1893 (Araneae: Pholcidae)
BA Huber, KR Caspar, J Eberle
Invertebrate Systematics 33 (1), 181-207, 2019
Scleral appearance is not a correlate of domestication in mammals
KR Caspar, L Hüttner, S Begall
Zoological Letters 9 (1), 12, 2023
Sexual dimorphism in toothed whales (Odontoceti) follows Rensch’s rule
KR Caspar, S Begall
Mammalian Biology 102 (2), 523-529, 2022
Self-domestication underground? Testing for social and morphological correlates of animal personality in cooperatively-breeding Ansell’s mole-rats (Fukomys anselli)
S Begall, L Bottermann, KR Caspar
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 862082, 2022
Evoked auditory potentials from African mole-rats and coruros reveal disparity in subterranean rodent hearing
KR Caspar, A Heinrich, L Mellinghaus, P Gerhardt, S Begall
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (22), jeb243371, 2021
Fukomys anselli (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)
S Begall, H Burda, KR Caspar
Mammalian Species 53 (1012), 160-173, 2021
Perioral secretions enable complex social signaling in African mole-rats (genus Fukomys)
KR Caspar, P Stopka, D Issel, KH Katschak, T Zöllner, S Zupanc, P Žáček, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 22366, 2022
Attention-getting in a white-cheeked gibbon by means of a novel vocalization?
KR Caspar, C Kammerer, M Hradec
Behaviour 157 (14-15), 1245-1255, 2020
How smart was T. rex? Testing claims of exceptional cognition in dinosaurs and the application of neuron count estimates in palaeontological research
KR Caspar, C Gutiérrez‐Ibáñez, OC Bertrand, T Carr, JAD Colbourne, ...
The Anatomical Record, 2024
Otoacoustic emissions in African mole-rats
GA Manley, B Maat, S Begall, P Malkemper, KR Caspar, L Moritz, ...
Hearing Research 445, 108994, 2024
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Articles 1–20