Alexander Zeh
Alexander Zeh
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Optimal linear and cyclic locally repairable codes over small fields
A Zeh, E Yaakobi
2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 1-5, 2015
Optimal binary locally repairable codes via anticodes
N Silberstein, A Zeh
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1247-1251, 2015
Bounds and constructions of codes with multiple localities
A Zeh, E Yaakobi
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 640-644, 2016
List and unique error-erasure decoding of interleaved Gabidulin codes with interpolation techniques
A Wachter-Zeh, A Zeh
Designs, codes and cryptography 73, 547-570, 2014
Decoding interleaved Reed–Solomon codes beyond their joint error-correcting capability
A Wachter-Zeh, A Zeh, M Bossert
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 71, 261-281, 2014
An interpolation procedure for list decoding Reed–Solomon codes based on generalized key equations
A Zeh, C Gentner, D Augot
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (9), 5946-5959, 2011
Decoding cyclic codes up to a new bound on the minimum distance
A Zeh, A Wachter-Zeh, SV Bezzateev
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (6), 3951-3960, 2012
Anticode-based locally repairable codes with high availability
N Silberstein, A Zeh
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 419-445, 2018
A public-key cryptosystem from interleaved Goppa codes
M Elleuch, A Wachter-Zeh, A Zeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.03024, 2018
On the Roth and Ruckenstein equations for the Guruswami-Sudan algorithm
D Augot, A Zeh
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2620-2624, 2008
A new bound on the minimum distance of cyclic codes using small-minimum-distance cyclic codes
A Zeh, S Bezzateev
Designs, codes and cryptography 71, 229-246, 2014
Exploring the RISC-V vector extension for the Classic McEliece post-quantum cryptosystem
S Pircher, J Geier, A Zeh, D Mueller-Gritschneder
2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 401-407, 2021
Multi-trial Guruswami–Sudan decoding for generalised Reed–Solomon codes
JSR Nielsen, A Zeh
Designs, codes and cryptography 73, 507-527, 2014
Interpolation-based decoding of interleaved Gabidulin codes
A Wachter-Zeh, A Zeh
Int. Workshop Coding Cryptogr.(WCC), 63, 2013
Decoding of quasi-cyclic codes up to a new lower bound on the minimum distance
A Zeh, S Ling
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2584-2588, 2014
Fast multi-sequence shift-register synthesis with the Euclidean algorithm
A Zeh, A Wachter-Zeh
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 5 (4), 667-680, 2011
Generalizing bounds on the minimum distance of cyclic codes using cyclic product codes
A Zeh, A Wachter-Zeh, M Gadouleau, S Bezzateev
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 126-130, 2013
End-to-End algebraic network coding for wireless TCP/IP networks
C Senger, S Schober, T Mao, A Zeh
2010 17th International Conference on Telecommunications, 607-612, 2010
Selective real-time cryptography in a vehicle communication network
A Zeh, M Janke
US Patent 11,283,598, 2022
Long cyclic codes over GF (4) and GF (8) better than BCH codes in the high-rate region
RM Roth, A Zeh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (1), 150-158, 2016
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