Seung Yon (Sue) Rhee
Seung Yon (Sue) Rhee
Director, Plant Resilience Institute, Michigan State University
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The Gene Ontology (GO) database and informatics resource
GO Consortium
Nucleic acids research 32 (suppl 1), D258-D261, 2004
mapman: a user‐driven tool to display genomics data sets onto diagrams of metabolic pathways and other biological processes
O Thimm, O Bläsing, Y Gibon, A Nagel, S Meyer, P Krüger, J Selbig, ...
The Plant Journal 37 (6), 914-939, 2004
Creating the gene ontology resource: design and implementation
M Ashburner, CA Ball, JA Blake, H Butler, JM Cherry, J Corradi, K Dolinski, ...
Genome Research 11 (8), 1425-1433, 2001
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): a model organism database providing a centralized, curated gateway to Arabidopsis biology, research materials and community
SY Rhee, W Beavis, TZ Berardini, G Chen, D Dixon, A Doyle, ...
Nucleic acids research 31 (1), 224-228, 2003
Big data: The future of biocuration
D Howe, M Costanzo, P Fey, T Gojobori, L Hannick, W Hide, DP Hill, ...
Nature 455 (7209), 47-50, 2008
Integration of brassinosteroid signal transduction with the transcription network for plant growth regulation in Arabidopsis
Y Sun, XY Fan, DM Cao, K He, W Tang, JY Zhu, JX He, MY Bai, S Zhu, ...
Developmental cell 19 (5), 765, 2010
The gene ontology (GO) project in 2006
MA Harris, JI Clark, A Ireland, J Lomax, M Ashburner, R Collins, K Eilbeck, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 34, D322-D326, 2006
The MetaCyc Database of metabolic pathways and enzymes and the BioCyc collection of Pathway/Genome Databases
R Caspi, H Foerster, CA Fulcher, P Kaipa, M Krummenacker, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl 1), D623-D631, 2008
iTAK: A Program for Genome-wide Prediction and Classification of Plant Transcription Factors, Transcriptional Regulators, and Protein Kinases
Y Zheng, C Jiao, H Sun, HG Rosli, MA Pombo, P Zhang, M Banf, X Dai, ...
Molecular Plant 9 (12), 1667-1670, 2016
The gene ontology project in 2008
MA Harris, JI Deegan, J Lomax, M Ashburner, S Tweedie, S Carbon, ...
Nucleic Acids Res 36, D440-D444, 2008
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): a comprehensive database and web-based information retrieval, analysis, and visualization system for a model plant
E Huala, AW Dickerman, M Garcia-Hernandez, D Weems, L Reiser, ...
Nucleic acids research 29 (1), 102-105, 2001
Use and misuse of the gene ontology annotations
SY Rhee, V Wood, K Dolinski, S Draghici
Nature Reviews Genetics 9 (7), 509-515, 2008
Freezing‐sensitive tomato has a functional CBF cold response pathway, but a CBF regulon that differs from that of freezing‐tolerant Arabidopsis
X Zhang, SG Fowler, H Cheng, Y Lou, SY Rhee, EJ Stockinger, ...
The Plant Journal 39 (6), 905-919, 2004
An ontology for cell types
J Bard, SY Rhee, M Ashburner
Genome biology 6 (2), R21, 2005
Functional annotation of the Arabidopsis genome using controlled vocabularies
TZ Berardini, S Mundodi, L Reiser, E Huala, M Garcia-Hernandez, ...
Plant physiology 135 (2), 745-755, 2004
AraCyc: a biochemical pathway database for Arabidopsis
LA Mueller, P Zhang, SY Rhee
Plant Physiology 132 (2), 453-460, 2003
Ontologies in biology: design, applications and future challenges
JBL Bard, SY Rhee
Nature Reviews Genetics 5 (3), 213-222, 2004
MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
R Caspi, H Foerster, CA Fulcher, R Hopkinson, J Ingraham, P Kaipa, ...
Nucleic acids research 34 (suppl 1), D511-D516, 2006
MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
CJ Krieger, P Zhang, LA Mueller, A Wang, S Paley, M Arnaud, J Pick, ...
Nucleic acids research 32 (suppl 1), D438-D442, 2004
Rational association of genes with traits using a genome-scale gene network for Arabidopsis thaliana
I Lee, B Ambaru, P Thakkar, EM Marcotte, SY Rhee
Nature biotechnology 28 (2), 149-156, 2010
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Articles 1–20