Roger Hilfiker
Roger Hilfiker
Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare-IUFRS, University of Lausanne, CHUV
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Best practice for motor imagery: a systematic literature review on motor imagery training elements in five different disciplines
C Schuster, R Hilfiker, O Amft, A Scheidhauer, B Andrews, J Butler, ...
BMC medicine 9, 1-35, 2011
Exercise and other non-pharmaceutical interventions for cancer-related fatigue in patients during or after cancer treatment: a systematic review incorporating an indirect …
R Hilfiker, A Meichtry, M Eicher, LN Balfe, RH Knols, ML Verra, ...
British journal of sports medicine 52 (10), 651-658, 2018
Effectiveness of conservative interventions including exercise, manual therapy and medical management in adults with shoulder impingement: a systematic review and meta-analysis …
R Steuri, M Sattelmayer, S Elsig, C Kolly, A Tal, J Taeymans, R Hilfiker
British journal of sports medicine 51 (18), 1340-1347, 2017
Is power training or conventional resistance training better for function in elderly persons? A meta-analysis
M Tschopp, MK Sattelmayer, R Hilfiker
Age and ageing 40 (5), 549-556, 2011
Effects of drop jumps added to the warm-up of elite sport athletes with a high capacity for explosive force development
R Hilfiker, K Hübner, T Lorenz, B Marti
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 21 (2), 550-555, 2007
Effects of whole-body vibration on postural control in elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Rogan, R Hilfiker, K Herren, L Radlinger, ED de Bruin
BMC geriatrics 11, 1-18, 2011
Effects of three home-based exercise programmes regarding falls, quality of life and exercise-adherence in older adults at risk of falling: protocol for a randomized controlled …
AG Mittaz Hager, N Mathieu, C Lenoble-Hoskovec, J Swanenburg, ...
BMC geriatrics 19, 1-11, 2019
Robotic-assisted step training (lokomat) not superior to equal intensity of over-ground rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis
C Vaney, B Gattlen, V Lugon-Moulin, A Meichtry, R Hausammann, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 26 (3), 212-221, 2012
Sensorimotor tests, such as movement control and laterality judgment accuracy, in persons with recurrent neck pain and controls. A case-control study
S Elsig, H Luomajoki, M Sattelmayer, J Taeymans, A Tal-Akabi, R Hilfiker
Manual therapy 19 (6), 555-561, 2014
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health could be used to measure functioning
A Cieza, R Hilfiker, S Chatterji, N Kostanjsek, BT Üstün, G Stucki
Journal of clinical epidemiology 62 (9), 899-911, 2009
PEDro's bias: summary quality scores should not be used in meta-analysis
BR da Costa, R Hilfiker, M Egger
Journal of clinical epidemiology 66 (1), 75-77, 2013
Value of predictive instruments to determine persisting restriction of function in patients with subacute non-specific low back pain. Systematic review
R Hilfiker, LM Bachmann, CAM Heitz, T Lorenz, H Joronen, A Klipstein
European Spine Journal 16, 1755-1775, 2007
The effect of motor control training on kinetics variables of patients with non-specific low back pain and movement control impairment: Prospective observational study
V Mohammadi, A Letafatkar, H Sadeghi, AA Jafarnezhadgero, R Hilfiker
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 21 (4), 1009-1016, 2017
The role of the dominant leg while assessing balance performance. A systematic review and meta-analysis
C Schorderet, R Hilfiker, L Allet
Gait & posture 84, 66-78, 2021
Comparison of risk factors predicting return to work between patients with subacute and chronic non-specific low back pain: systematic review
CAM Heitz, R Hilfiker, LM Bachmann, H Joronen, T Lorenz, D Uebelhart, ...
European Spine Journal 18, 1829-1835, 2009
A systematic review and meta-analysis of selected motor learning principles in physiotherapy and medical education
M Sattelmayer, S Elsig, R Hilfiker, G Baer
BMC Medical Education 16, 1-22, 2016
Effects of whole-body vibration on proxies of muscle strength in old adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis on the role of physical capacity level
S Rogan, ED de Bruin, L Radlinger, C Joehr, C Wyss, NJ Stuck, ...
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 12, 1-26, 2015
Items from patient-oriented instruments can be integrated into interval scales to operationalize categories of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and …
A Cieza, R Hilfiker, A Boonen, S Chatterji, N Kostanjsek, BT Üstün, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 62 (9), 912-921. e3, 2009
Inter-and intra-observer agreement of Prechtl's method on the qualitative assessment of general movements in preterm, term and young infants
I Bernhardt, M Marbacher, R Hilfiker, L Radlinger
Early human development 87 (9), 633-639, 2011
Exergames versus self-regulated exercises with instruction leaflets to improve adherence during geriatric rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
P Oesch, J Kool, L Fernandez-Luque, E Brox, G Evertsen, A Civit, ...
BMC geriatrics 17, 1-9, 2017
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