Marcel Verhoef
Marcel Verhoef
European Space Agency
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Cited by
Validated designs for object-oriented systems
J Fitzgerald
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
System architecture evaluation using modular performance analysis: a case study
E Wandeler, L Thiele, M Verhoef, P Lieverse
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 8, 649-667, 2006
The overture initiative integrating tools for VDM
PG Larsen, N Battle, M Ferreira, J Fitzgerald, K Lausdahl, M Verhoef
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 35 (1), 1-6, 2010
Modeling and validating distributed embedded real-time systems with VDM++
M Verhoef, PG Larsen, J Hooman
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 147-162, 2006
Timed automata based analysis of embedded system architectures
M Hendriks, M Verhoef
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
Collaborative design for embedded systems
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, M Verhoef
Academic Press 10, 978-3, 2014
VDM-10 language manual
PG Larsen, K Lausdahl, N Battle, J Fitzgerald, S Wolff, S Sahara, ...
Internet: overturetool. org/documentation/manuals. html [Oct. 5, 2020], 2013
Modeling and validating distributed embedded real-time control systems
MHG Verhoef
[Sl]:[Sn], 2009
Collaborative modelling and co-simulation in the development of dependable embedded systems
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, K Pierce, M Verhoef, S Wolff
International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, 12-26, 2010
Conceptual modelling approaches in the COMBINE project
AM Dubois, J Flynn, MHG Verhoef, GLM Augenbroe
COMBINE seminar, Dublin, 1995
Design support and tooling for dependable embedded control software
JF Broenink, C Kleijn, PG Larsen, D Jovanovic, M Verhoef, K Pierce
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for …, 2010
A Formal Approach to Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation for Embedded Systems
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, K Pierce, M Verhoef
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, September 23, 726-750, 2013
Validation support for distributed real-time embedded systems in vdm++
JS Fitzgerald, S Tjell, PG Larsen, M Verhoef
10th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE'07), 331-340, 2007
From embedded to cyber-physical systems: Challenges and future directions
J Fitzgerald, PG Larsen, M Verhoef
Collaborative design for embedded systems: Co-modelling and Co-simulation …, 2014
Co-simulation of distributed embedded real-time control systems
M Verhoef, P Visser, J Hooman, J Broenink
Integrated Formal Methods: 6th International Conference, IFM 2007, Oxford …, 2007
A multi-paradigm mapping method survey
M Verhoef, T Liebich, R Amor
Workshop on Modeling of Buildings through their Life-cycle, 233-247, 1995
Interpreting Distributed System Architectures Using VDM++-A Case Study
M Verhoef, PG Larsen
Hoboken, NY: Stevens Institute of Technology, 2007
Formal methods going mainstream: costs, benefits, experiences
T Margaria, B Schätz, M Verhoef
Industrial case studies—final report
M Verhoef, B Bos, P van Eijk, J Remijnse, E Visser, M De Paepe, ...
DESTECS Deliverable D 4, 2012
Enhancing VDM++ for modeling distributed embedded real-time systems
M Verhoef, PG Larsen
Technical Report (to appear), Radboud University Nijmegen (March 2006) A …, 2006
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Articles 1–20