Karin Wolf-Ostermann
Karin Wolf-Ostermann
Professor of Health Services and Nursing Science Research, University of Bremen
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Digital technology and nursing care: a scoping review on acceptance, effectiveness and efficiency studies of informal and formal care technologies
T Krick, K Huter, D Domhoff, A Schmidt, H Rothgang, K Wolf-Ostermann
BMC health services research 19, 1-15, 2019
Application scenarios for artificial intelligence in nursing care: rapid review
K Seibert, D Domhoff, D Bruch, M Schulte-Althoff, D Fürstenau, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (11), e26522, 2021
Quality of life in dementia care–differences in quality of life measurements performed by residents with dementia and by nursing staff
J Gräske, T Fischer, A Kuhlmey, K Wolf-Ostermann
Aging & Mental Health 16 (7), 819-827, 2012
Psychosocial interventions to support the mental health of informal caregivers of persons living with dementia–a systematic literature review
H Wiegelmann, S Speller, LM Verhaert, L Schirra-Weirich, ...
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-17, 2021
Effectiveness of digital technologies to support nursing care: results of a scoping review
K Huter, T Krick, D Domhoff, K Seibert, K Wolf-Ostermann, H Rothgang
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 1905-1926, 2020
Wissenschaftliche Evaluation zur Beurteilung der Pflege-Transparenzvereinbarungen für den ambulanten (PTVA) und stationären (PTVS) Bereich
M Hasseler, K Wolf-Ostermann, ASH Berlin
URL: http://www. aph-bundesverband. de/downloads/373. pdf (aktuell am 21.11 …, 2010
Pflege in Zeiten von Corona: Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Querschnittbefragung von ambulanten Pflegediensten und teilstationären Einrichtungen
K Wolf-Ostermann, A Schmidt, B Preuß, F Heinze, K Seibert, AC Friedrich, ...
Pflege, 2020
Die Marburger Beurteilungsskala zum Asperger-Syndrom (MBAS)-ein Screening-Verfahren für autistische Störungen auf hohem Funktionsniveau
I Kamp-Becker, F Mattejat, K Wolf-Ostermann, H Remschmidt
Zeitschrift für Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 33 (1), 15-26, 2005
Measuring the effectiveness of digital nursing technologies: development of a comprehensive digital nursing technology outcome framework based on a scoping review
T Krick, K Huter, K Seibert, D Domhoff, K Wolf-Ostermann
BMC health services research 20, 1-17, 2020
Application of digital technologies in nursing practice: Results of a mixed methods study on nurses’ experiences, needs and perspectives
K Seibert, D Domhoff, K Huter, T Krick, H Rothgang, K Wolf-Ostermann
Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 158 …, 2020
Quality of life ratings in dementia care–a cross-sectional study to identify factors associated with proxy-ratings
J Gräske, S Meyer, K Wolf-Ostermann
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 12, 1-11, 2014
Sozialraumanalysen: Ein Arbeitsbuch für soziale, gesundheits-und bildungsbezogene Dienste
C Spatscheck, K Wolf-Ostermann
UTB, 2023
Pflege in Zeiten von corona: Zentrale Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Querschnittsbefragung vollstationärer Pflegeheime
H Rothgang, D Domhoff, AC Friedrich, F Heinze, B Preuss, A Schmidt, ...
Pflege, 2020
Caregiver burden assessed in dementia care networks in Germany: findings from the DemNet-D study baseline
F Laporte Uribe, S Heinrich, K Wolf-Ostermann, S Schmidt, JR Thyrian, ...
Aging & mental health 21 (9), 926-937, 2017
A scoping literature review of dementia-friendly hospital design
B Parke, M Boltz, KF Hunter, T Chambers, K Wolf-Ostermann, MN Adi, ...
The Gerontologist 57 (4), e62-e74, 2017
Health outcomes and quality of life of residents of shared‐housing arrangements compared to residents of special care units–results of the B erlin D e W e GE‐study
K Wolf‐Ostermann, A Worch, T Fischer, I Wulff, J Gräske
Journal of clinical nursing 21 (21-22), 3047-3060, 2012
Abschlussbericht im Projekt Entwicklung und Erprobung eines wissenschaftlich fundierten Verfahrens zur einheitlichen Bemessung des Personalbedarfs in Pflegeeinrichtungen nach …
H Rothgang, J Cordes, M Fünfstück, F Heinze, T Kalwitzki, C Stolle, ...
Universität Bremen, 2020
How to measure quality of life in shared-housing arrangements? A comparison of dementia-specific instruments
J Gräske, H Verbeek, P Gellert, T Fischer, A Kuhlmey, K Wolf-Ostermann
Quality of Life Research 23, 549-559, 2014
Technology-driven solutions to prompt conversation, aid communication and support interaction for people with dementia and their caregivers: a systematic literature review
V Hoel, CM Feunou, K Wolf-Ostermann
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-11, 2021
Prevalence of movement disorders in adolescent patients with schizophrenia and in relationship to predominantly atypical antipsychotic treatment
S Gebhardt, F Härtling, M Hanke, M Mittendorf, FM Theisen, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 15, 371-382, 2006
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