Bruno Astuto Arouche Nunes
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of software-defined networking: Past, present, and future of programmable networks
BAA Nunes, M Mendonca, XN Nguyen, K Obraczka, T Turletti
IEEE Communications surveys & tutorials 16 (3), 1617-1634, 2014
Calibration-free WLAN location system based on dynamic mapping of signal strength
LFM De Moraes, BAA Nunes
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Mobility management and …, 2006
Decentralizing SDN's control plane
MAS Santos, BAA Nunes, K Obraczka, T Turletti, BT De Oliveira, CB Margi
39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 402-405, 2014
Automatic deep learning–assisted detection and grading of abnormalities in knee MRI studies
B Astuto, I Flament, N K. Namiri, R Shah, U Bharadwaj, T M. Link, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 3 (3), e200165, 2021
A machine learning framework for TCP round-trip time estimation
BA Arouche Nunes, K Veenstra, W Ballenthin, S Lukin, K Obraczka
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 1-22, 2014
Deep learning for hierarchical severity staging of anterior cruciate ligament injuries from MRI
NK Namiri, I Flament, B Astuto, R Shah, R Tibrewala, F Caliva, TM Link, ...
Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2 (4), e190207, 2020
A machine learning approach to end-to-end rtt estimation and its application to tcp
BAA Nunes, K Veenstra, W Ballenthin, S Lukin, K Obraczka
2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2011
Software-defined-networking-enabled capacity sharing in user-centric networks
BAA Nunes, MAS Santos, BT de Oliveira, CB Margi, K Obraczka, T Turletti
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (9), 28-36, 2014
Software defined networking for heterogeneous networks
M Mendonca, BN Astuto, K Obraczka, T Turletti
IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E …, 2013
Software-defined networking based capacity sharing in hybrid networks
MAS Santos, BT de Oliveira, CB Margi, BAA Nunes, T Turletti, K Obraczka
2013 21st IEEE international conference on network protocols (ICNP), 1-6, 2013
Deep learning for large scale MRI-based morphological phenotyping of osteoarthritis
NK Namiri, J Lee, B Astuto, F Liu, R Shah, S Majumdar, V Pedoia
Scientific reports 11 (1), 10915, 2021
Scale-free properties of human mobility and applications to intelligent transportation systems
DL Ferreira, BAA Nunes, K Obraczka
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (11), 3736-3748, 2018
SCORPION: a heterogeneous wireless networking testbed
S Bromage, C Engstrom, J Koshimoto, M Bromage, S Dabideen, M Hu, ...
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 13 (1), 65-68, 2009
A deep learning approach for identifying user communities based on geographical preferences and its applications to urban and environmental planning
DL Ferreira, BAA Nunes, CAV Campos, K Obraczka
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) 6 (3), 1-24, 2020
On the invariance of spatial node density for realistic mobility modeling
BAA Nunes, K Obraczka
2011 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor …, 2011
SAGA: socially-and geography-aware mobility modeling framework
B Astuto Arouche Nunes, K Obraczka, A Rodrigues
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2012
Modeling spatial node density in waypoint mobility
BAA Nunes, K Obraczka
2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2012
Um sistema de localizaçao para redes wi-fi baseado em nıveis de sinal e modelo referenciado de propagaçao
BAA Nunes
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2006
A Survey of Software-Defined Networking: Past
BN Astuto, M Mendonça, XN Nguyen, K Obraczka, T Turletti
Present, and Future of Programmable Networks, 2014
Avaliando a Sobrecarga Introduzida nas Redes 802.11 pelos Mecanismos de Segurança WEP e VPN/IPSec
PDM Junior, BAA Nunes, CAV Campos, LFM de Moraes
Anais do III Workshop em Segurança de Sistemas Computacionais, 17-24, 2003
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Articles 1–20