Marwa Kavelaars
Marwa Kavelaars
Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Postdoc)
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Cited by
GPS tracking data of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast
EWM Stienen, P Desmet, B Aelterman, W Courtens, S Feys, N Vanermen, ...
ZooKeys, 115, 2016
High-resolution GPS tracking reveals sex differences in migratory behaviour and stopover habitat use in the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
JM Baert, EWM Stienen, BC Heylen, MM Kavelaars, RJ Buijs, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5391, 2018
Diet preferences as the cause of individual differences rather than the consequence
T Oudman, AI Bijleveld, MM Kavelaars, A Dekinga, J Cluderay, T Piersma, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (5), 1378-1388, 2016
GPS tracking during parental care does not affect early offspring development in lesser black-backed gulls
MM Kavelaars, E Stienen, H Matheve, RJ Buijs, L Lens, W Müller
Marine biology 165, 1-8, 2018
Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea
JA Kempton, J Wynn, S Bond, J Evry, AL Fayet, N Gillies, T Guilford, ...
Science advances 8 (22), eabo0200, 2022
In situ clock shift reveals that the sun compass contributes to orientation in a pelagic seabird
O Padget, SL Bond, MM Kavelaars, E van Loon, M Bolton, AL Fayet, ...
Current Biology 28 (2), 275-279. e2, 2018
Sharing the burden: on the division of parental care and vocalizations during incubation
MM Kavelaars, L Lens, W Müller
Behavioral Ecology 30 (4), 1062-1068, 2019
Breeding habitat loss reveals limited foraging flexibility and increases foraging effort in a colonial breeding seabird
MM Kavelaars, JM Baert, EWM Stienen, J Shamoun-Baranes, L Lens, ...
Movement Ecology 8, 1-11, 2020
Simultaneous GPS-tracking of parents reveals a similar parental investment within pairs, but no immediate co-adjustment on a trip-to-trip basis
MM Kavelaars, JM Baert, J Van Malderen, EWM Stienen, ...
Movement Ecology 9 (1), 42, 2021
Understanding PFAAs exposure in a generalist seabird species breeding in the vicinity of a fluorochemical plant: influence of maternal transfer and diet
A Lopez-Antia, MM Kavelaars, W Müller, L Bervoets, M Eens
Environmental Pollution 271, 116355, 2021
Bird tracking-GPS tracking of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast
EWM Stienen, P Desmet, B Aelterman, W Courtens, S Feys, N Vanermen, ...
Supplementary Data accompanying:" Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird impacts its large-scale distribution at sea"
J Kempton, W Joe, S Bond, J Evry, AL Fayet, N Gillies, T Guilford, ...
(No Title), 2022
Parental Investment in a Changing World: How the Optimal Reproductive Strategy is Affected by the Social and Ecological Environment: Thesis
M Kavelaars
Parental investment in a changing world: how the optimal reproductive strategy is affected by the social and ecological environment
M Kavelaars
University of Antwerp, 2020
Een vliegende start: hoe meeuwenparen de zorg voor hun kuikens verdelen
M Kavelaars
Natuur.oriolus (Natuurpunt) 85 (2), 47-52, 2019
When the gulls come to town
E Stienen, RJ Buijs, W Courtens, P Desmet, F Hernandez, M Kavelaars, ...
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Articles 1–16