Jeppe Lund Nielsen
Jeppe Lund Nielsen
Professor i Mikrobiologi
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In Situ Characterization ofNitrospira-Like Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria Active in Wastewater Treatment Plants
H Daims, JL Nielsen, PH Nielsen, KH Schleifer, M Wagner
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (11), 5273-5284, 2001
Combination of fluorescent in situ hybridization and microautoradiography—a new tool for structure-function analyses in microbial ecology
N Lee, PH Nielsen, KH Andreasen, S Juretschko, JL Nielsen, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 65 (3), 1289-1297, 1999
Mainstream partial nitritation and anammox: long-term process stability and effluent quality at low temperatures
M Laureni, P Falås, O Robin, A Wick, DG Weissbrodt, JL Nielsen, ...
Water Research 101, 628-639, 2016
Amyloid adhesins are abundant in natural biofilms
P Larsen, JL Nielsen, MS Dueholm, R Wetzel, D Otzen, PH Nielsen
Environmental microbiology 9 (12), 3077-3090, 2007
Identity and ecophysiology of uncultured actinobacterial polyphosphate-accumulating organisms in full-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal plants
Y Kong, JL Nielsen, PH Nielsen
Applied and environmental microbiology 71 (7), 4076-4085, 2005
A conceptual ecosystem model of microbial communities in enhanced biological phosphorus removal plants
PH Nielsen, AT Mielczarek, C Kragelund, JL Nielsen, AM Saunders, ...
Water research 44 (17), 5070-5088, 2010
The microbiome of animals: implications for conservation biology
S Bahrndorff, T Alemu, T Alemneh, J Lund Nielsen
International journal of genomics 2016 (1), 5304028, 2016
Thaumarchaeotes abundant in refinery nitrifying sludges express amoA but are not obligate autotrophic ammonia oxidizers
M Mußmann, I Brito, A Pitcher, JS Sinninghe Damsté, R Hatzenpichler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (40), 16771-16776, 2011
Functional amyloid in Pseudomonas
MS Dueholm, SV Petersen, M Sønderkær, P Larsen, G Christiansen, ...
Molecular microbiology 77 (4), 1009-1020, 2010
MiDAS: the field guide to the microbes of activated sludge
SJ McIlroy, AM Saunders, M Albertsen, M Nierychlo, B McIlroy, ...
Database 2015, bav062, 2015
Cohn’s Crenothrix is a filamentous methane oxidizer with an unusual methane monooxygenase
K Stoecker, B Bendinger, B Schöning, PH Nielsen, JL Nielsen, C Baranyi, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 103 (7), 2363-2367, 2006
High diversity and abundance of putative polyphosphate-accumulating Tetrasphaera-related bacteria in activated sludge systems
HTT Nguyen, VQ Le, AA Hansen, JL Nielsen, PH Nielsen
FEMS microbiology ecology 76 (2), 256-267, 2011
Identification of active denitrifiers in full‐scale nutrient removal wastewater treatment systems
SJ McIlroy, A Starnawska, P Starnawski, AM Saunders, M Nierychlo, ...
Environmental microbiology 18 (1), 50-64, 2016
Activity and growth of anammox biomass on aerobically pre-treated municipal wastewater
M Laureni, DG Weissbrodt, I Szivák, O Robin, JL Nielsen, E Morgenroth, ...
Water research 80, 325-336, 2015
Identity and ecophysiology of filamentous bacteria in activated sludge
PH Nielsen, C Kragelund, RJ Seviour, JL Nielsen
FEMS microbiology reviews 33 (6), 969-998, 2009
A metabolic model for members of the genus Tetrasphaera involved in enhanced biological phosphorus removal
R Kristiansen, HTT Nguyen, AM Saunders, JL Nielsen, R Wimmer, VQ Le, ...
The ISME journal 7 (3), 543-554, 2013
Microautoradiographic Study of Rhodocyclus-Related Polyphosphate-Accumulating Bacteria in Full-Scale Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Plants
Y Kong, JL Nielsen, PH Nielsen
Applied and environmental microbiology 70 (9), 5383-5390, 2004
Linking microbial community structure with function: fluorescence in situ hybridization-microautoradiography and isotope arrays
M Wagner, PH Nielsen, A Loy, JL Nielsen, H Daims
Current opinion in biotechnology 17 (1), 83-91, 2006
Biomass segregation between biofilm and flocs improves the control of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in mainstream partial nitritation and anammox processes
M Laureni, DG Weissbrodt, K Villez, O Robin, N De Jonge, A Rosenthal, ...
Water Research 154, 104-116, 2019
Novel Nitrospira-like bacteria as dominant nitrite-oxidizers in biofilms from wastewater treatment plants: diversity and in situ physiology
H Daims, PH Nielsen, JL Nielsen, S Juretschko, M Wagner
Water science and technology 41 (4-5), 85-90, 2000
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