Žiga Rojec
Žiga Rojec
Assistant (PhD)
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Cited by
Analog circuit topology synthesis by means of evolutionary computation
Ž Rojec, Á Bűrmen, I Fajfar
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 80, 48-65, 2019
Extraction of distribution function of relaxation times by using drt-rblm tools: A new approach to combine levenberg-marquardt algorithm and radial basis functions for …
M Kunaver, Ž Rojec, V Subotić, S Pereverzyev, M Žic
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (11), 110529, 2022
Analog circuit topology representation for automated synthesis and optimization
Ž Rojec, J Olenšek, I Fajfar
Informacije MIDEM 48 (1), 29-40, 2018
Evolutionary synthesis of failure-resilient analog circuits
Ž Rojec, I Fajfar, Á Burmen
Mathematics 10 (1), 156, 2022
Synthesizing electrically equivalent circuits for use in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy through grammatical evolution
M Kunaver, M Žic, I Fajfar, T Tuma, Á Bűrmen, V Subotić, Ž Rojec
Processes 9 (11), 1859, 2021
Development and analysis of a modular LED array light source
S Mitterhofer, Ž Korošak, Ž Rojec, M Jankovec, M Topič
Photonics 7 (4), 92, 2020
An evolution-driven analog circuit topology synthesis
Z Rojec, Á Búrmen, I Fajfar
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-6, 2016
Meta-optimization of dimension adaptive parameter schema for Nelder–Mead algorithm in high-dimensional problems
Ž Rojec, T Tuma, J Olenšek, Á Bűrmen, J Puhan
Mathematics 10 (13), 2288, 2022
Optična optimizacija polja svetlečih diod v sončnem simulatorju: magistrsko delo
Ž Rojec
Ž. Rojec, 2014
Free software support for compact modelling with Verilog-A
Á Bűrmen, T Tuma, I Fajfar, J Puhan, Ž Rojec, M Kunaver, S Tomažič
Informacije MIDEM 54 (4), 2024
Imperative Genetic Programming
I Fajfar, Ž Rojec, Á Bűrmen, M Kunaver, T Tuma, S Tomažič, J Puhan
Symmetry 16 (9), 1146, 2024
Towards smaller single-point failure-resilient analog circuits by use of a genetic algorithm
Ž Rojec
Informacije MIDEM 53 (2), 103-117, 2023
Varen zagon nepreverjene programske kode v sistemu PIVO
Ž Rojec
Elektrotehniski Vestnik 88 (1/2), 54-60, 2021
Avtomatska sinteza topologij analognih električnih vezij: doktorska disertacija
Ž Rojec
Ž. Rojec, 2018
Avtomatska sinteza topologij analognih električnih vezij
Ž Rojec
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2018
Analysis of a Single Supply Constant Current Source for Bioimpedance Measurements
R Brajkovič, M Jankovec, Z Topčagić, Ž Rojec, PB Filho, D Križaj
6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and …, 2015
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Articles 1–16