Rainer Kaltenbaek
Rainer Kaltenbaek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
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An experimental test of non-local realism
S Gröblacher, T Paterek, R Kaltenbaek, Č Brukner, M Żukowski, ...
Nature 446 (7138), 871-875, 2007
Large quantum superpositions and interference of massive nanometer-sized objects
O Romero-Isart, AC Pflanzer, F Blaser, R Kaltenbaek, N Kiesel, ...
Physical review letters 107 (2), 020405, 2011
Quantum teleportation across the Danube
R Ursin, T Jennewein, M Aspelmeyer, R Kaltenbaek, M Lindenthal, ...
Nature 430 (7002), 849-849, 2004
High-speed linear optics quantum computing using active feed-forward
R Prevedel, P Walther, F Tiefenbacher, P Böhi, R Kaltenbaek, ...
Nature 445 (7123), 65-69, 2007
Cavity cooling of an optically levitated submicron particle
N Kiesel, F Blaser, U Delić, D Grass, R Kaltenbaek, M Aspelmeyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (35), 14180-14185, 2013
Long-distance free-space distribution of quantum entanglement
M Aspelmeyer, HR Bohm, T Gyatso, T Jennewein, R Kaltenbaek, ...
science 301 (5633), 621-623, 2003
Experimental interference of independent photons
R Kaltenbaek, B Blauensteiner, M Żukowski, M Aspelmeyer, A Zeilinger
Physical review letters 96 (24), 240502, 2006
Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO) Testing quantum and gravitational physics with massive mechanical resonators
R Kaltenbaek, G Hechenblaikner, N Kiesel, O Romero-Isart, KC Schwab, ...
Experimental Astronomy 34, 123-164, 2012
High-fidelity entanglement swapping with fully independent sources
R Kaltenbaek, R Prevedel, M Aspelmeyer, A Zeilinger
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 040302, 2009
Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO): 2015 update
R Kaltenbaek, M Aspelmeyer, PF Barker, A Bassi, J Bateman, K Bongs, ...
EPJ Quantum Technology 3, 1-47, 2016
Quantum-inspired interferometry with chirped laser pulses
R Kaltenbaek, J Lavoie, DN Biggerstaff, KJ Resch
Nature Physics 4 (11), 864-868, 2008
Experimental bound entanglement in a four-photon state
J Lavoie, R Kaltenbaek, M Piani, KJ Resch
Physical review letters 105 (13), 130501, 2010
Experimental violation of Svetlichny's inequality
J Lavoie, R Kaltenbaek, KJ Resch
New Journal of Physics 11 (7), 073051, 2009
Optical one-way quantum computing with a simulated valence-bond solid
R Kaltenbaek, J Lavoie, B Zeng, SD Bartlett, KJ Resch
Nature Physics 6 (11), 850-854, 2010
Quantum physics in space
A Belenchia, M Carlesso, Ö Bayraktar, D Dequal, I Derkach, G Gasbarri, ...
Physics Reports 951, 1-70, 2022
Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map
I Alonso, C Alpigiani, B Altschul, H Araújo, G Arduini, J Arlt, L Badurina, ...
EPJ Quantum Technology 9 (1), 1-55, 2022
Quantum-optical coherence tomography with classical light
J Lavoie, R Kaltenbaek, KJ Resch
Optics express 17 (5), 3818-3826, 2009
Proof-of-concept experiments for quantum physics in space
R Kaltenbaek, M Aspelmeyer, T Jennewein, C Brukner, A Zeilinger, ...
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging 5161, 252-268, 2004
Deploying an inter‐European quantum network
D Ribezzo, M Zahidy, I Vagniluca, N Biagi, S Francesconi, T Occhipinti, ...
Advanced Quantum Technologies 6 (2), 2200061, 2023
Space QUEST mission proposal: experimentally testing decoherence due to gravity
SK Joshi, J Pienaar, TC Ralph, L Cacciapuoti, W McCutcheon, J Rarity, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (6), 063016, 2018
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