Brittany Froese Hamfeldt
Brittany Froese Hamfeldt
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Application of optimal transport and the quadratic Wasserstein metric to full-waveform inversion
Y Yang, B Engquist, J Sun, BF Hamfeldt
Geophysics 83 (1), R43-R62, 2018
A viscosity solution approach to the Monge-Ampere formulation of the optimal transportation problem
JD Benamou, BD Froese, AM Oberman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.4873, 2012
Application of the Wasserstein metric to seismic signals
B Engquist, BD Froese
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 12 (5), 979-988, 2014
Optimal transport for seismic full waveform inversion
B Engquist, BD Froese, Y Yang
Communications in Mathematical Science 14 (8), 2309-2330, 2016
Convergent finite difference solvers for viscosity solutions of the elliptic Monge-Amp\ere equation in dimensions two and higher
BD Froese, AM Oberman
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 49 (4), 1692–1714, 2011
Two numerical methods for the elliptic Monge-Ampere equation
JD Benamou, BD Froese, AM Oberman
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 44 (4), 737-758, 2010
Convergent filtered schemes for the Monge--Ampère partial differential equation
BD Froese, AM Oberman
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (1), 423-444, 2013
A numerical method for the elliptic Monge-Amp\ere equation with transport boundary conditions
BD Froese
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (3), A1432–A1459., 2012
Freeform illumination optics construction following an optimal transport map
Z Feng, BD Froese, R Liang
Applied optics 55 (16), 4301-4306, 2016
Fast finite difference solvers for singular solutions of the elliptic Monge–Ampère equation
BD Froese, AM Oberman
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (3), 818-834, 2011
Simplified freeform optics design for complicated laser beam shaping
Z Feng, BD Froese, R Liang, D Cheng, Y Wang
Applied optics 56 (33), 9308-9314, 2017
Creating unconventional geometric beams with large depth of field using double freeform-surface optics
Z Feng, BD Froese, CY Huang, D Ma, R Liang
Applied optics 54 (20), 6277-6281, 2015
Composite method for precise freeform optical beam shaping
Z Feng, BD Froese, R Liang
Applied Optics 54 (31), 9364-9369, 2015
Meshfree finite difference approximations for functions of the eigenvalues of the Hessian
BD Froese
Numerische Mathematik 138 (1), 75-99, 2018
Application of optimal transport and the quadratic Wasserstein metric to full-waveform inversion: Geophysics, 83
Y Yang, B Engquist, J Sun, BF Hamfeldt
R43–R62, 2018
Convergent approximation of non-continuous surfaces of prescribed Gaussian curvature
B Froese Hamfeldt
Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis 17 (2), 2018
Higher-order adaptive finite difference methods for fully nonlinear elliptic equations
BF Hamfeldt, T Salvador
Journal of Scientific Computing 75 (3), 1282-1306, 2018
Convergence Framework for the Second Boundary Value Problem for the Monge--Ampère Equation
BF Hamfeldt
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57 (2), 945-971, 2019
A convergence framework for optimal transport on the sphere
BF Hamfeldt, AGR Turnquist
Numerische Mathematik 151 (3), 627-657, 2022
Numerical averaging of non-divergence structure elliptic operators
BD Froese, AM Oberman
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 7 (4), 785-804, 2009
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