Tatjana Hildebrandt
Tatjana Hildebrandt
Plant Metabolic Biochemistry, CEPLAS, University of Cologne, Germany
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Amino acid catabolism in plants
TM Hildebrandt, AN Nesi, WL Araújo, HP Braun
Molecular plant 8 (11), 1563-1579, 2015
Three enzymatic activities catalyze the oxidation of sulfide to thiosulfate in mammalian and invertebrate mitochondria
TM Hildebrandt, MK Grieshaber
The FEBS journal 275 (13), 3352-3361, 2008
Loss of ETHE1, a mitochondrial dioxygenase, causes fatal sulfide toxicity in ethylmalonic encephalopathy
V Tiranti, C Viscomi, T Hildebrandt, I Di Meo, R Mineri, C Tiveron, ...
Nature medicine 15 (2), 200-205, 2009
The role of amino acid metabolism during abiotic stress release
W Batista‐Silva, B Heinemann, N Rugen, A Nunes‐Nesi, WL Araújo, ...
Plant, cell & environment 42 (5), 1630-1644, 2019
Synthesis versus degradation: directions of amino acid metabolism during Arabidopsis abiotic stress response
TM Hildebrandt
Plant molecular biology 98, 121-135, 2018
The mitochondrial complexome of Arabidopsis thaliana
J Senkler, M Senkler, H Eubel, T Hildebrandt, C Lengwenus, P Schertl, ...
The Plant Journal 89 (6), 1079-1092, 2017
Analysis of cytosolic and plastidic serine acetyltransferase mutants and subcellular metabolite distributions suggests interplay of the cellular compartments for cysteine …
S Krueger, A Niehl, MC Lopez Martin, D Steinhauser, A Donath, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 32 (4), 349-367, 2009
Single organelle function and organization as estimated from Arabidopsis mitochondrial proteomics
P Fuchs, N Rugen, C Carrie, M Elsässer, I Finkemeier, J Giese, ...
The Plant Journal 101 (2), 420-441, 2020
Combined treatment with oral metronidazole and N-acetylcysteine is effective in ethylmalonic encephalopathy
C Viscomi, AB Burlina, I Dweikat, M Savoiardo, C Lamperti, T Hildebrandt, ...
Nature medicine 16 (8), 869-871, 2010
The role of amino acid metabolism in signaling and metabolic adaptation to stress-induced energy deficiency in plants
B Heinemann, TM Hildebrandt
Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (13), 4634-4645, 2021
Quantitative multilevel analysis of central metabolism in developing oilseeds of oilseed rape during in vitro culture
J Schwender, I Hebbelmann, N Heinzel, T Hildebrandt, A Rogers, D Naik, ...
Plant Physiology 168 (3), 828-848, 2015
Sodium thiosulfate pharmacokinetics in hemodialysis patients and healthy volunteers
S Farese, E Stauffer, R Kalicki, T Hildebrandt, BM Frey, FJ Frey, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 6 (6), 1447-1455, 2011
RNA PROCESSING FACTOR3 Is Crucial for the Accumulation of Mature ccmC Transcripts in Mitochondria of Arabidopsis Accession Columbia
C Jonietz, J Forner, T Hildebrandt, S Binder
Plant physiology 157 (3), 1430-1439, 2011
News about amino acid metabolism in plant–microbe interactions
J Moormann, B Heinemann, TM Hildebrandt
Trends in Biochemical Sciences 47 (10), 839-850, 2022
CoQ deficiency causes disruption of mitochondrial sulfide oxidation, a new pathomechanism associated with this syndrome
M Luna‐Sánchez, A Hidalgo‐Gutiérrez, TM Hildebrandt, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 9 (1), 78-95, 2017
The mitochondrial sulfur dioxygenase ETHYLMALONIC ENCEPHALOPATHY PROTEIN1 is required for amino acid catabolism during carbohydrate starvation and embryo development in Arabidopsis
L Krüßel, J Junemann, M Wirtz, H Birke, JD Thornton, LW Browning, ...
Plant physiology 165 (1), 92-104, 2014
Lack of cytochrome c in Arabidopsis decreases stability of Complex IV and modifies redox metabolism without affecting Complexes I and III
E Welchen, TM Hildebrandt, D Lewejohann, DH Gonzalez, HP Braun
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1817 (7), 990-1001, 2012
Estimating the number of protein molecules in a plant cell: protein and amino acid homeostasis during drought
B Heinemann, P Künzler, H Eubel, HP Braun, TM Hildebrandt
Plant physiology 185 (2), 385-404, 2021
Redox regulation of mitochondrial sulfide oxidation in the lugworm, Arenicola marina
TM Hildebrandt, MK Grieshaber
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (16), 2617-2623, 2008
Proteome adaptations in Ethe1-deficient mice indicate a role in lipid catabolism and cytoskeleton organization via post-translational protein modifications
TM Hildebrandt, I Di Meo, M Zeviani, C Viscomi, HP Braun
Bioscience Reports 33 (4), e00052, 2013
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