Tim Gruchmann
Tim Gruchmann
Professor, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
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Sustainability assessment of last-mile logistics and distribution strategies: The case of local food networks
A Melkonyan, T Gruchmann, F Lohmar, V Kamath, S Spinler
International Journal of Production Economics 228, 107746, 2020
Explaining logistics social responsibility from a dynamic capabilities perspective
T Gruchmann, S Seuring
The International Journal of Logistics Management 29 (4), 1255-1278, 2018
Sustainable supply chain management—A conceptual framework and future research perspectives
M Brandenburg, T Gruchmann, N Oelze
Sustainability 11 (24), 7239, 2019
Assessing the role of dynamic capabilities in local food distribution: a theory-elaboration study
T Gruchmann, S Seuring, K Petljak
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 24 (6), 767-783, 2019
Consumer preferences for local food: Testing an extended norm taxonomy
J Wenzig, T Gruchmann
Sustainability 10 (5), 1313, 2018
Logistics business transformation for sustainability: Assessing the role of the lead sustainability service provider (6PL)
T Gruchmann, A Melkonyan, K Krumme
Logistics 2 (4), 25, 2018
Scenario and strategy planning for transformative supply chains within a sustainable economy
A Melkonyan, K Krumme, T Gruchmann, S Spinler, T Schumacher, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 231, 144-160, 2019
Informing logistics social responsibility from a consumer-choice-centered perspective
T Gruchmann, I Schmidt, S Lubjuhn, S Seuring, M Bouman
The International Journal of Logistics Management 30 (1), 96-116, 2019
Circular supply chain management with blockchain technology: A dynamic capabilities view
O Meier, T Gruchmann, D Ivanov
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 176, 103177, 2023
Assessing the impact of sustainable logistics service quality on relationship quality: Survey-based evidence in Egypt
AH Ali, T Gruchmann, A Melkonyan
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 4, 100036, 2022
4PL digital business models in sea freight logistics: The case of Freighthub
T Gruchmann, N Pratt, J Eiten, A Melkonyan
Logistics 4 (2), 10, 2020
Decision support for sustainable urban mobility: A case study of the Rhine-Ruhr area
A Melkonyan, T Gruchmann, F Lohmar, R Bleischwitz
Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103806, 2022
Motivating Factors for Implementing Apparel Certification Schemes—A Sustainable Supply Chain Management Perspective
N Oelze, T Gruchmann, M Brandenburg
Sustainability 12 (12), 4823, 2020
Tensions in sustainable warehousing: including the blue-collar perspective on automation and ergonomic workplace design
T Gruchmann, A Mies, T Neukirchen, S Gold
Journal of Business Economics 91, 151-178, 2021
Diffusion of labor standards through supplier-subcontractor networks: An agent-based model
S Gold, T Chesney, T Gruchmann, A Trautrims
Journal of Industrial Ecology 24 (6), 1274-1286, 2020
Sustainability assessment and climate change resilience in food production and supply
A Melkonyan, K Krumme, T Gruchmann, G De La Torre
Energy Procedia 123, 131-138, 2017
Dynamic capabilities for sustainable change in the food processing industry: A multilevel perspective
T Gruchmann, V Timmer, S Gold, C Geßner
Journal of Cleaner Production 311, 127534, 2021
Developing a sustainable logistics service quality scale for logistics service providers in Egypt
AH Ali, A Melkonyan, B Noche, T Gruchmann
Logistics 5 (2), 21, 2021
Advanced green logistics strategies and technologies
T Gruchmann
Operations, logistics and supply chain management, 663-686, 2019
Governance for the sustainable economy: institutional innovation from the bottom up?
K Jacob, AL Guske, I Antoni-Komar, S Funcke, T Gruchmann, J Kny, ...
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28 (S1), 204-209, 2019
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