Christian Heumann
Christian Heumann
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Statistik: Der weg zur datenanalyse
L Fahrmeir, C Heumann, R Künstler, I Pigeot, G Tutz
Springer-Verlag, 2016
Bootstrap inference when using multiple imputation
M Schomaker, C Heumann
Statistics in medicine 37 (14), 2252-2266, 2018
Deskriptive Statistik: eine Einführung in Methoden und Anwendungen mit R und SPSS
H Toutenburg, C Heumann
Springer-Verlag, 2008
Introduction to statistics and data analysis
C Heumann, MS Shalabh
Springer, 2016
Effect of two new chlorhexidine mouthrinses on the development of dental plaque, gingivitis, and discolouration. A randomized, investigator‐blind, placebo‐controlled, 3‐week …
K Lorenz, G Bruhn, C Heumann, L Netuschil, M Brecx, T Hoffmann
Journal of clinical periodontology 33 (8), 561-567, 2006
Model selection and model averaging after multiple imputation
M Schomaker, C Heumann
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 71, 758-770, 2014
Linear models and generalizations
CR Rao
Springer, 2008
Influence of air pressure, humidity, solar radiation, temperature, and wind speed on ambulatory visits due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Bavaria, Germany
U Ferrari, T Exner, ER Wanka, C Bergemann, J Meyer-Arnek, ...
International journal of biometeorology 56, 137-143, 2012
Finite mixtures of generalized linear regression models
Shalabh, C Heumann, B Grün, F Leisch
Recent advances in linear models and related areas: essays in honour of …, 2008
Six-month results following treatment of aggressive periodontitis with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy or amoxicillin and metronidazole
NB Arweiler, M Pietruska, J Pietruski, A Skurska, E Dolińska, C Heumann, ...
Clinical oral investigations 18, 2129-2135, 2014
Association between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields assessed by dosimetry and acute symptoms in children and adolescents: a population based cross-sectional study
S Heinrich, S Thomas, C Heumann, R von Kries, K Radon
Environmental health 9, 1-9, 2010
The impact of exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields on chronic well-being in young people—a cross-sectional study based on personal dosimetry
S Heinrich, S Thomas, C Heumann, R von Kries, K Radon
Environment international 37 (1), 26-30, 2011
Frequentist model averaging with missing observations
M Schomaker, ATK Wan, C Heumann
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54 (12), 3336-3347, 2010
Arbeitsbuch zur deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik
H Toutenburg, M Schomaker, M Wißmann, C Heumann
Springer-Verlag, 2009
Influence of different instrumentation modalities on the surface characteristics and biofilm formation on dental implant neck, in vitro
KE Schmidt, TM Auschill, C Heumann, R Frankenberger, S Eick, ...
Clinical oral implants research 28 (4), 483-490, 2017
Prediction of the incidence and persistence of allergic rhinitis in adolescence: a prospective cohort study
J Kellberger, H Dressel, C Vogelberg, W Leupold, D Windstetter, ...
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 129 (2), 397-402. e3, 2012
Non‐surgical periodontal treatment in conjunction with 3 or 7 days systemic administration of amoxicillin and metronidazole in severe chronic periodontitis patients. A placebo …
R Cosgarea, R Juncar, C Heumann, R Tristiu, L Lascu, N Arweiler, ...
Journal of clinical periodontology 43 (9), 767-777, 2016
Influence of obesity on the outcome of non-surgical periodontal therapy-a systematic review
FA Gerber, P Sahrmann, OA Schmidlin, C Heumann, JH Beer, ...
BMC oral health 16, 1-20, 2016
Randomized non-inferiority and safety trial of dihydroartemisin-piperaquine and artesunate-amodiaquine versus artemether-lumefantrine in the treatment of uncomplicated …
AM Nji, IM Ali, MN Moyeh, EO Ngongang, AM Ekollo, JP Chedjou, ...
Malaria journal 14, 1-10, 2015
Sampling, intervention, prediction, aggregation: a generalized framework for model-agnostic interpretations
CA Scholbeck, C Molnar, C Heumann, B Bischl, G Casalicchio
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International …, 2020
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