Thomas Süße
Thomas Süße
Sonstige NamenThomas Suesse, Thomas Susse
Bielefeld University of Applied Science
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New perspectives for generating smart PSS solutions–life cycle, methodologies and transformation
B Kuhlenkötter, U Wilkens, B Bender, M Abramovici, T Süße, J Göbel, ...
Procedia Cirp 64, 217-222, 2017
Key challenges of digital business ecosystem development and how to cope with them
K Lenkenhoff, U Wilkens, M Zheng, T Süße, B Kuhlenkötter, X Ming
Procedia Cirp 73, 167-172, 2018
Digital competence of stakeholders in Product-Service Systems (PSS): Conceptualization and empirical exploration
T Süße, U Wilkens, S Hohagen, F Artinger
Procedia CIRP 73, 197-202, 2018
Umgang mit Paradoxien von Industrie 4.0–Die Bedeutung reflexiven Arbeitshandelns
U Wilkens, T Süße, BF Voigt
Industrie 4, 199-210, 2014
Preparing individuals for the demands of PSS work environments through a game-based community approach–design and evaluation of a learning scenario
T Süße, U Wilkens
Procedia CIRP 16, 271-276, 2014
Towards Intelligent Automation (IA): literature review on the evolution of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), its challenges, and future trends
J Siderska, L Aunimo, T Süße, J von Stamm, D Kedziora, SNBM Aini
Engineering Management in Production and Services 15 (4), 90-103, 2023
Improvisation as a prerequisite for the dynamic interplay of production and service in PSS: insights of an organizational design principle and a game-based learning approach
T Süße
Procedia CIRP 30, 366-371, 2015
An ecosystem approach as a design principle for a PSS-specific business simulation
J Cibat, T Süße, U Wilkens
Procedia CIRP 64, 223-228, 2017
Antecedents of constructive human-AI collaboration: an exploration of human actors’ key competencies
T Süße, M Kobert, C Kries
Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0: 22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2021
Digital competencies and IT skills as employees’ resources to cope with digitalization demands
R Merchel, T Iqbal, T Süße, S Knop
Perceived cultural enablers and inhibitors of the organizational transformation towards PSS
A Lienert, T Süße, U Wilkens, N Washington, SW Elfving
Procedia CIRP 83, 311-317, 2019
Entwicklung von Kompetenzen für Industrie 4.0 im Rahmen eines Planspielszenarios–Simulation und Evaluation
BF Voigt, T Süße, U Wilkens
Lehren und Lernen für die moderne Arbeitswelt, 145-162, 2015
Die Bewältigung hoher Arbeitsanforderungen in HLB
K Mänz, U Wilkens, T Süße, A Lienert
wt Werkstattstechnik online 103 (7/8), 583-588, 2013
An application of Morgan’s images of organization: Combining metaphors to make sense of new organizational phenomena
T Süße, BF Voigt, U Wilkens
Exploring Morgan’s Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in …, 2016
Integrating production and services for product-service systems in the engineering sector: The challenge of bridging two organizational paradigms as a question of structures …
T Süße, U Wilkens, K Mänz
Paper accepted at the 29th EGOS Colloquium „Bridging Continents, Cultures …, 2013
Preparing university graduates for product-service work environments
U Wilkens, T Süße, K Mänz, B Schiffer, G Fabian
Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions: Proceedings of the …, 2013
Exploring key categories of social perception and moral responsibility of AI-based agents at work: Findings from a case study in an industrial setting
S Mandl, M Kobert, M Bretschneider, F Asbrock, B Meyer, A Strobel, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
Personal, Führung und Organisation in IPSS
U Wilkens, BF Voigt, A Lienert, T Süße
Industrielle Produkt-Service Systeme: Entwicklung, Betrieb und Management …, 2017
Enterprise Interoperabilität in internetbasierten Ökosystemen
T Süße, P Weber, H Lasi, U Wilkens, N Gronau
Industrial Internet of Things in der Arbeits-und Betriebsorganisation …, 2017
Organizing the integration demands across PSS life cycles: Towards a specific form of improvisation for creating customer-specific solutions
T Süße
Procedia CIRP 47, 270-275, 2016
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Artikel 1–20