Thiam-Soon Gan
Thiam-Soon Gan
Technische Universität München
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Concurrent product–supply chain design: a conceptual framework & literature review
TS Gan, M Grunow
Procedia CIRP 7, 91-96, 2013
Concurrent product and supply chain design: a literature review, an exploratory research framework and a process for modularity design
TS Gan, M Grunow
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29 (12), 1255-1271, 2016
Concurrent design of product and supply chain architectures for modularity and flexibility: process, methods, and application
TS Gan, M Steffan, M Grunow, R Akkerman
International Journal of Production Research, 60 (7), 2292-2311, 2021
Conceptual Design of a Hybrid Lift Airship for Intra-Regional Flexible Access Transport
J Agte, TS Gan, F Kunzi, A March, S Sato, B Suarez, B Yutko
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2010
Robust supply chain design with suppliers as system integrators: an aerospace case study
N Falcão e Cunha, TS Gan, E Curcio, P Amorim, B Almada-Lobo, ...
International Journal of Production Research 61 (15), 5244-5265, 2023
Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Design: Framework, Process, Methods and Application
TS Gan
Technische Universität München, 2023
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