Matthias Noll
Matthias Noll
Professor Mikrobiologie, University of Coburg
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Succession of bacterial community structure and diversity in a paddy soil oxygen gradient
M Noll, D Matthies, P Frenzel, M Derakshani, W Liesack
Environmental Microbiology 7 (3), 382-395, 2005
High diversity of diazotrophs in the forefield of a receding alpine glacier
L Duc, M Noll, BE Meier, H Bürgmann, J Zeyer
Microbial ecology 57, 179-190, 2009
Applying stable isotope probing of phospholipid fatty acids and rRNA in a Chinese rice field to study activity and composition of the methanotrophic bacterial communities in situ
Q Qiu, M Noll, WR Abraham, Y Lu, R Conrad
The ISME Journal 2 (6), 602-614, 2008
Impact of protists on the activity and structure of the bacterial community in a rice field soil
J Murase, M Noll, P Frenzel
Applied and environmental microbiology 72 (8), 5436-5444, 2006
Soil type links microbial colonization of rice roots to methane emission
R Conrad, M Klose, M Noll, D Kemnitz, PLE Bodelier
Global Change Biology 14 (3), 657-669, 2008
Selective stimulation of type I methanotrophs in a rice paddy soil by urea fertilization revealed by RNA-based stable isotope probing
M Noll, P Frenzel, R Conrad
FEMS microbiology ecology 65 (1), 125-132, 2008
Phylogenetic identity, growth‐response time and rRNA operon copy number of soil bacteria indicate different stages of community succession
PM Shrestha, M Noll, W Liesack
Environmental microbiology 9 (10), 2464-2474, 2007
Stable carbon isotope discrimination and microbiology of methane formation in tropical anoxic lake sediments
R Conrad, M Noll, P Claus, M Klose, WR Bastos, A Enrich-Prast
Biogeosciences 8 (3), 795-814, 2011
Activity and composition of methanotrophic bacterial communities in planted rice soil studied by flux measurements, analyses of pmoA gene and stable isotope …
M Shrestha, WR Abraham, PM Shrestha, M Noll, R Conrad
Environmental microbiology 10 (2), 400-412, 2008
Antibiotic susceptibility of 259 Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from food, food-processing plants and human samples in Germany
M Noll, S Kleta, S Al Dahouk
Journal of Infection and Public Health 11 (4), 572-577, 2018
Identification of acetate-assimilating microorganisms under methanogenic conditions in anoxic rice field soil by comparative stable isotope probing of RNA
T Hori, M Noll, Y Igarashi, MW Friedrich, R Conrad
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 (1), 101-109, 2007
Functional and structural response of the methanogenic microbial community in rice field soil to temperature change
R Conrad, M Klose, M Noll
Environmental Microbiology 11 (7), 1844-1853, 2009
A mathematical model to predict the heating-up of large-scale wood piles
F Ferrero, C Lohrer, BM Schmidt, M Noll, M Malow
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22 (4), 439-448, 2009
Microbial communities in large-scale wood piles and their effects on wood quality and the environment
M Noll, R Jirjis
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 95, 551-563, 2012
Response of the methanogenic microbial communities in A mazonian oxbow lake sediments to desiccation stress
R Conrad, Y Ji, M Noll, M Klose, P Claus, A Enrich‐Prast
Environmental microbiology 16 (6), 1682-1694, 2014
Biocide-tolerant Listeria monocytogenes isolates from German food production plants do not show cross-resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics
A Roedel, R Dieckmann, H Brendebach, JA Hammerl, S Kleta, M Noll, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (20), e01253-19, 2019
Material resistance of weathered wood-plastic composites against fungal decay
A Naumann, I Stephan, M Noll
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 75, 28-35, 2012
Changes of the soil ecosystem along a receding glacier: testing the correlation between environmental factors and bacterial community structure
M Noll, M Wellinger
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (10), 2611-2619, 2008
Incorporation of Listeria monocytogenes strains in raw milk biofilms
C Weiler, A Ifland, A Naumann, S Kleta, M Noll
International journal of food microbiology 161 (2), 61-68, 2013
Material resistance of flame retarded wood-plastic composites against fire and fungal decay
A Naumann, H Seefeldt, I Stephan, U Braun, M Noll
Polymer degradation and stability 97 (7), 1189-1196, 2012
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