Christian Schiffer
Cited by
Cited by
Convolutional Neural Networks for cytoarchitectonic brain mapping at large scale
C Schiffer, H Spitzer, K Kiwitz, N Unger, K Wagstyl, AC Evans, ...
NeuroImage 240, 118327, 2021
Contrastive Representation Learning for Whole Brain Cytoarchitectonic Mapping in Histological Human Brain Sections
C Schiffer, K Amunts, S Harmeling, T Dickscheid
2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 603-606, 2021
Deep learning networks reflect cytoarchitectonic features used in brain mapping
K Kiwitz, C Schiffer, H Spitzer, T Dickscheid, K Amunts
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-15, 2020
IO challenges for human brain atlasing using deep learning methods-an in-depth analysis
L Oden, C Schiffer, H Spitzer, T Dickscheid, D Pleiter
2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and …, 2019
A High-Resolution Model of the Human Entorhinal Cortex in the ‘BigBrain’–Use Case for Machine Learning and 3D Analyses
T Dickscheid, A Brandstetter, P Massicotte, M Omidyeganeh, A Evans, ...
Brain-inspired Computing: 4th International Workshop, BrainComp 2019 …, 2021
2D histology meets 3D topology: Cytoarchitectonic brain mapping with Graph Neural Networks
C Schiffer, S Harmeling, K Amunts, T Dickscheid
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2021
Learning to predict cutting angles from histological human brain sections
C Schiffer, L Schuhmacher, K Amunts, T Dickscheid
Ultrahigh resolution 3D cytoarchitectonic map of Area hOc1 (V1, 17, CalcS) created by a Deep-Learning assisted workflow
C Schiffer, K Amunts, K Kiwitz, T Dickscheid
Strukturelle und funktionelle Organisation des Gehirns, 2019
Cytoarchitectonic Analysis and 3D Maps of the Mesial Piriform Region in the Human Brain
O Kedo, S Bludau, C Schiffer, H Mohlberg, T Dickscheid, K Amunts
Anatomia 3 (2), 68-92, 2024
Phylogenetic reduction of the magnocellular red nucleus in primates and inter-subject variability in humans
M Stacho, AN Häusler, A Brandstetter, F Iannilli, H Mohlberg, C Schiffer, ...
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 18, 1331305, 2024
Deep Learning-Supported Cytoarchitectonic Mapping of the Human Lateral Geniculate Body in the BigBrain
T Dickscheid, H Mohlberg, K Amunts
Brain-inspired Computing: 4th International Workshop, BrainComp 2019 …, 2021
Reference delineations of Area hOc3v (LingG) in individual sections of the BigBrain
K Kiwitz, C Schiffer, K Amunts, T Dickscheid
Strukturelle und funktionelle Organisation des Gehirns, 2020
Filter Activations of Convolutional Neuronal Networks Used in Cytoarchitectonic Brain Mapping
K Kiwitz, C Schiffer, K Amunts, H Spitzer, T Dickscheid
Strukturelle und funktionelle Organisation des Gehirns, 2020
Deep learning networks reflect cytoarchitectonic features used in brain mapping
K Kai, C Schiffer, H Spitzer, D Timo, A Katrin
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group) 10 (1), 2020
Reference delineations of Area hOc2 (V2, 18) in individual sections of the BigBrain
K Kiwitz, C Schiffer, K Amunts, T Dickscheid
Strukturelle und funktionelle Organisation des Gehirns, 2019
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Articles 1–15