Jacob Aasland Ravndal
Jacob Aasland Ravndal
Associate Professor, The Norwegian Police University College
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Zitiert von
Extreme-right violence and terrorism: Concepts, patterns, and responses
T Bjørgo, JA Ravndal
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism., 2022
Explaining right‐wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe: Grievances, opportunities and polarisation
JA Ravndal
European Journal of Political Research 57 (4), 845-866, 2018
Right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe: Introducing the RTV dataset
JA Ravndal
Perspectives on terrorism 10 (3), 2-15, 2016
Right-wing terrorism and militancy in the Nordic countries: A comparative case study
JA Ravndal
Terrorism and Political Violence 30 (5), 772-792, 2018
Investigating terrorism from the extreme right: A review of past and present research
JA Ravndal, T Bjørgo
Perspectives on Terrorism 12 (6), 5-22, 2018
Thugs or terrorists? A typology of right-wing terrorism in Western Europe
JA Ravndal
Mechanisms of online radicalisation: how the internet affects the radicalisation of extreme-right lone actor terrorists
GN Mølmen, JA Ravndal
Behavioral sciences of terrorism and political aggression 15 (4), 463-487, 2023
Anders Behring Breivik’s use of the Internet and social media
JA Ravndal
Journal Exit-Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Deradikalisierung und …, 2013
Towards intelligence-driven peace operations? The evolution of UN and EU intelligence structures
PM Norheim-Martinsen, JA Ravndal
International Peacekeeping 18 (4), 454-467, 2011
From bombs to books, and back again? Mapping strategies of right-wing revolutionary resistance
JA Ravndal
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 46 (11), 2120-2148, 2023
A Post-Trial Profile of Anders Behring Breivik
JA Ravndal
CTC sentinel 5 (10), 16-20, 2012
Why the Nordic Resistance Movement restrains its use of violence
T Bjørgo, JA Ravndal
Perspectives on Terrorism 14 (6), 37-48, 2020
Right-wing terrorism and violence in Western Europe: A comparative analysis
JA Ravndal
Universitetet i Oslo, 2017
RTV Trend Report 2020: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990-2019
JA Ravndal, S Lygren, AR Jupskås, T Bjørgo
Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX). https://www. sv. uio. no/c-rex …, 2020
Emerging lessons from the United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo: military contributions to the protection of civilians
S Kjeksrud, JA Ravndal
African Security Review 20 (2), 3-16, 2011
The emergence of transnational street militancy: A comparative case study of the Nordic Resistance Movement and Generation Identity
JA Ravndal
Journal for Deradicalization, 1-34, 2020
RTV Trend Report 2023: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990-2022
JA Ravndal, C Tandberg, S Sessolo, AR Jupskås, T Bjørgo
Universitetet i Oslo, 2023
Methods for mapping far right violence
JA Ravndal, AR Jupskås
Researching the Far Right, 132-146, 2020
Rapport fra 25. juni-utvalget: Evaluering av PST og politiet
PT Jansen, JA Ravndal, G Skoglund, CC Eriksen, S Hoven, A Løberg, ...
Politidirektoratet, 2023
Evaluering av politiets og PSTs håndtering av terrorhendelsen i Bærum 10. august 2019
A Dalgaard-Nielsen, J Ravndal, H Renå, J Ilum, JR Eriksen, ML Hansen, ...
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