Aris Gerakis
Aris Gerakis
Postdoctoral Researcher in Agronomy, Ionian University, Greece
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Simple model to estimate field-measured soilwater limits
JT Ritchie, A Gerakis, A Suleiman
Transactions of the ASAE 42 (6), 1609-1614, 1999
Agricultural activities affecting the functions and values of Ramsar wetland sites of Greece
A Gerakis, K Kalburtji
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 70 (2-3), 119-128, 1998
Development of a soil-plant phosphorus simulation model for calcareous and weathered tropical soils
SH Daroub, A Gerakis, JT Ritchie, DK Friesen, J Ryan
Agricultural Systems 76 (3), 1157-1181, 2003
A computer program for soil textural classification
A Gerakis, B Baer
Soil Science Society of America Journal 63 (4), 807-808, 1999
Long-term management effects on organic C and N pools and activities of C-transforming enzymes in prairie soils
E Katsalirou, S Deng, DL Nofziger, A Gerakis
European Journal of Soil Biology 46 (5), 335-341, 2010
Spatial structure of microbial biomass and activity in prairie soil ecosystems
E Katsalirou, S Deng, DL Nofziger, A Gerakis, SD Fuhlendorf
European journal of soil biology 46 (3-4), 181-189, 2010
Evaluating sustainability of watershed resources management through wetland functional analysis
GC Zalidis, A Gerakis
Environmental Management 24, 193-207, 1999
Estimation of a network irrigation efficiency to cope with reduced water supply
G Zalidis, X Dimitriadis, A Antonopoulos, A Gerakis
Irrigation and drainage systems 11, 337-345, 1997
Long-term management effects on soil P, microbial biomass P, and phosphatase activities in prairie soils
E Katsalirou, S Deng, A Gerakis, DL Nofziger
European Journal of Soil Biology 76, 61-69, 2016
Differential drought tolerance of five coexisting plant species in Mediterranean lowland grasslands
AP Mamolos, DS Veresoglou, V Noitsakis, A Gerakis
Journal of arid environments 49 (2), 329-341, 2001
Simulation of atrazine leaching in relation to water-table management using the CERES model
A Gerakis, JT Ritchie
Journal of Environmental Management 52 (3), 241-258, 1998
Wetland rehabilitation in the Mediterranean basin
GC Zalidis, V Takavakoglou, A Gerakis
An international perspective on wetland rehabilitation, 55-68, 1999
Estimating field-measured, plant extractable water from soil properties: beyond statistical models
A Gerakis, G Zalidis
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 12, 311-322, 1998
Evaluating adult groundwater education
A Gerakis
The Journal of Environmental Education 30 (1), 20-24, 1998
Simulation of leaching losses in the nitrogen cycle
A Gerakis, DP Rasse, Y Kavdir, AJM Smucker, I Katsalirou, JT Ritchie
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 37 (13-14), 1973-1997, 2006
Phosphorus simulation in the CERES models
A Gerakis, S Daroub, JT Ritchie, DK Friesen, SH Chien
Agronomy Abstracts 14, 1998
Optimal scarification times for seeds of two Mediterranean orchids
E Katsalirou, A Gerakis, X Haldas
European Journal of Environmental Sciences 9 (1), 47-52, 2019
The impact of soil and water resources management on salt accumulation in Greece
G Zalidis, A Gerakis, N Misopolinos, K Prodromou, A Apostolakis
Salinity as a Limiting Factor for Agricultural Productivity in the …, 1997
Optimal disinfection times for seeds of Mediterranean orchids propagated on nutrient media
E Katsalirou, A Gerakis, X Haldas, G Deconninck
European Journal of Environmental Sciences 7 (2), 119-124, 2017
Reduction of nutrients and organics using constructed wetlands
G Zalidis, S Katsavouni, V Takavakoglou, A Gerakis
Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Soil Sience Symposium, Agrinio, 27-30, 1998
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