Christian Kuttner
Christian Kuttner
Senior Editor at Nature Communications, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Science-meets-Politics Fellow
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Cited by
Wafer-sized multifunctional polyimine-based two-dimensional conjugated polymers with high mechanical stiffness
H Sahabudeen, H Qi, BA Glatz, D Tranca, R Dong, Y Hou, T Zhang, ...
Nature Communications 7, 13461, 2016
Strongly Coupled Plasmonic Modes on Macroscopic Areas via Template-Assisted Colloidal Self-Assembly
C Hanske, M Tebbe, C Kuttner, V Bieber, VV Tsukruk, M Chanana, ...
Nano letters 14 (12), 6863-6871, 2014
Colloidally Stable and Surfactant-Free Protein-Coated Gold Nanorods in Biological Media
M Tebbe, C Kuttner, M Männel, A Fery, M Chanana
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (10), 5984-5991, 2015
Seeded Growth Synthesis of Gold Nanotriangles: Size Control, SAXS Analysis, and SERS Performance
C Kuttner, M Mayer, M Dulle, A Moscoso, JM López-Romero, S Förster, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (13), 11152-11163, 2018
Protein-Assisted Assembly of Modular 3D Plasmonic Raspberry-like Core/Satellite Nanoclusters: Correlation of Structure and Optical Properties
RPM Höller, M Dulle, S Thomä, M Mayer, AM Steiner, S Förster, ...
ACS nano 10 (6), 5740-5750, 2016
Janus Magnetic‐Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Magnetically Guided and Thermally Activated Cancer Therapy
A Espinosa, J Reguera, A Curcio, Á Muñoz‐Noval, C Kuttner, ...
Small 16 (11), 1904960, 2020
Nanorattles with tailored electric field enhancement
MJ Schnepf, M Mayer, C Kuttner, M Tebbe, D Wolf, M Dulle, T Altantzis, ...
Nanoscale 9 (27), 9376-9385, 2017
Plasmonic Library Based on Substrate-Supported Gradiential Plasmonic Arrays
MB Müller, C Kuttner, TAF König, VV Tsukruk, S Förster, M Karg, A Fery
ACS Nano 8 (9), 9410-9421, 2014
Formation and mechanical characterization of aminoplast core/shell microcapsules
M Pretzl, M Neubauer, M Tekaat, C Kunert, C Kuttner, G Leon, D Berthier, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (6), 2940-2948, 2012
Optically anisotropic substrates via wrinkle-assisted convective assembly of gold nanorods on macroscopic areas
M Tebbe, M Mayer, BA Glatz, C Hanske, PT Probst, MB Müller, M Karg, ...
Faraday discussions 181, 243-260, 2015
Silver-Overgrowth-Induced Changes in Intrinsic Optical Properties of Gold Nanorods: From Noninvasive Monitoring of Growth Kinetics to Tailoring Internal Mirror Charges
M Tebbe, C Kuttner, M Mayer, M Maennel, N Pazos-Perez, TAF König, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (17), 9513-9523, 2015
SERS and Plasmonic Heating Efficiency from Anisotropic Core/Satellite Superstructures
C Kuttner, RPM Höller, M Quintanilla, MJ Schnepf, M Dulle, A Fery, ...
Nanoscale 11, 17655-17663, 2019
Macroscopic Strain-Induced Transition from Quasi-Infinite Gold Nanoparticle Chains to Defined Plasmonic Oligomers
AM Steiner, M Mayer, M Seuss, S Nikolov, KD Harris, A Alexeev, ...
ACS Nano, 2017
Janus micelles as effective supracolloidal dispersants for carbon nanotubes
AH Gröschel, TI Löbling, PD Petrov, M Müllner, C Kuttner, F Wieberger, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (13), 3602-3606, 2013
Influence of the Polymeric Interphase Design on the Interfacial Properties of (Fiber-Reinforced) Composites
C Kuttner, A Hanisch, H Schmalz, M Eder, H Schlaad, I Burgert, A Fery
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (7), 2469-2478, 2013
Laser cladding of diamond tools: Interfacial reactions of diamond and molten metal
D Rommel, F Scherm, C Kuttner, U Glatzel
Surface and Coatings Technology 291, 62-69, 2016
Template-assisted colloidal self-assembly of macroscopic magnetic metasurfaces
M Mayer, M Tebbe, C Kuttner, MJ Schnepf, TAF König, A Fery
Faraday Discussions 191, 159-176, 2016
Hierarchical line-defect patterns in wrinkled surfaces
BA Glatz, M Tebbe, B Kaoui, R Aichele, C Kuttner, AE Schedl, ...
Soft matter 11 (17), 3332-3339, 2015
On the interplay of shell structure with low- and high-frequency mechanics of multifunctional magnetic microbubbles
M Poehlmann, D Grishenkov, SVVN Kothapalli, J Härmark, H Hebert, ...
Soft matter 10 (1), 214-226, 2014
Magnetic and Electric Resonances in Particle-to-Film-Coupled Functional Nanostructures
Y Brasse, MB Müller, M Karg, C Kuttner, TAF König, A Fery
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (3), 3133-3141, 2018
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Articles 1–20