Giuseppe Porro
Giuseppe Porro
Full professor - DiDEC Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia e Culture, Università dell'Insubria
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Causal inference without balance checking: Coarsened exact matching
SM Iacus, G King, G Porro
Political analysis 20 (1), 1-24, 2012
cem: Coarsened exact matching in Stata
M Blackwell, S Iacus, G King, G Porro
The Stata Journal 9 (4), 524-546, 2009
Multivariate matching methods that are monotonic imbalance bounding
SM Iacus, G King, G Porro
Journal of the American Statistical Association 106 (493), 345-361, 2011
Every tweet counts? How sentiment analysis of social media can improve our knowledge of citizens’ political preferences with an application to Italy and France
A Ceron, L Curini, SM Iacus, G Porro
New media & society 16 (2), 340-358, 2014
CEM: Software for coarsened exact matching
S Iacus, G King, G Porro
Journal of statistical Software 30, 1-27, 2009
Matching for causal inference without balance checking
SM Iacus, G King, G Porro
Available at SSRN 1152391, 2008
A theory of statistical inference for matching methods in causal research
SM Iacus, G King, G Porro
Political Analysis 27 (1), 46-68, 2019
Il lavoro tra flessibilità e innovazione: le tendenze del mercato del lavoro in Lombardia
E Marelli, G Porro
FrancoAngeli, 2000
Missing data imputation, matching and other applications of random recursive partitioning
SM Iacus, G Porro
Computational statistics & data analysis 52 (2), 773-789, 2007
Random recursive partitioning: A matching method for the estimation of the average treatment effect
G Porro, SM Iacus
Journal of Applied Econometrics 24 (1), 163-185, 2009
An Italian composite subjective well-being index: The voice of Twitter users from 2012 to 2017
SM Iacus, G Porro, S Salini, E Siletti
Social Indicators Research 161 (2), 471-489, 2022
Formazione e percorsi lavorativi dei laureati dell’Università degli Studi di Milano (II edizione: laureati 1999)
D Checchi, SM Iacus, I Negri, G Porro
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods at Università …, 2004
Controlling for selection bias in social media indicators through official statistics: A proposal
SM Iacus, G Porro, S Salini, E Siletti
Journal of Official Statistics 36 (2), 315-338, 2020
Sindacato, differenziali retributivi, riformismo
D Checchi, R Semenza, G Porro
Paolo Santi: scritti e testimonianze, 0
CEM: Coarsened exact matching software
S Iacus, G King, G Porro
Journal of Statistical Software 30 (9), 2010
Social networks, happiness and health: from sentiment analysis to a multidimensional indicator of subjective well-being
SM Iacus, G Porro, S Salini, E Siletti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.01569, 2015
Subjective Well-Being and Social Media
SM Iacus, G Porro
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021
Social networks data and subjective well-being. An innovative measurement for Italian provinces
SM Iacus, G Porro, S Salini, E Siletti
Scienze Regionali 18 (Speciale), 667-678, 2019
Teachers’ evaluations and students’ achievement: a ‘deviation from the reference’analysis
SM Iacus, G Porro
Education economics 19 (2), 139-159, 2011
Il lavoro interinale in Italia: uno sguardo all'offerta
SM Iacus, G Porro
Dipartimento di economia politica e aziendale, Università degli studi di Milano, 2002
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