Flavia Maria Santoro
Cited by
Cited by
Business process management: Don’t forget to improve the process!
WMP Van Der Aalst, M La Rosa, FM Santoro
Business & Information Systems Engineering 58, 1-6, 2016
Cooperação e aprendizagem on-line
FCA Campos, FM Santoro, MRS Borges, N Santos
Rio de janeiro: DP&A 168, 21, 2003
Applying group storytelling in knowledge management
R Perret, MRS Borges, FM Santoro
International Conference on Collaboration and Technology, 34-41, 2004
Seven Paradoxes of Business Process Management in a Hyper-Connected World
D 6. Beverungen, JC Buijs, J Becker, C Ciccio, WMP Van der Aalst, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 62, 2020
Business process mining from group stories
JC de AR Goncalves, FM Santoro, FA Baiao
2009 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in …, 2009
A method for service identification from business process models in a SOA approach
LG Azevedo, F Santoro, F Baião, J Souza, K Revoredo, V Pereira, ...
International Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support …, 2009
Um framework para estudo de ambientes de suporte à aprendizagem cooperativa
FM Santoro, MR da Silva Borges, N Santos
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 4 (1), 51-68, 1999
A context-based model for Knowledge Management embodied in work processes
VT Nunes, FM Santoro, MRS Borges
Information Sciences 179 (15), 2538-2554, 2009
Collaboration and knowledge sharing in network organizations
FM Santoro, MRS Borges, EA Rezende
Expert Systems with Applications 31 (4), 715-727, 2006
A formal representation for context-aware business processes
T da Cunha Mattos, FM Santoro, K Revoredo, VT Nunes
Computers in Industry 65 (8), 1193-1214, 2014
KIPO: the knowledge-intensive process ontology.
JB dos Santos França, JM Netto, JE Santo Carvalho, FM Santoro, ...
Softw. Syst. Model. 14 (3), 1127-1157, 2015
Acquiring knowledge on business processes from stakeholders’ stories
FM Santoro, MRS Borges, JA Pino
Advanced engineering informatics 24 (2), 138-148, 2010
Design Science Research: fazendo pesquisas científicas rigorosas atreladas ao desenvolvimento de artefatos computacionais projetados para a educação
M Pimentel, D Filippo, FM Santoro
Metodologia de Pesquisa em Informática na Educação: Concepção da Pesquisa …, 2019
Reflections on the modularity of business process models: the case for introducing the aspect‐oriented paradigm
C Cappelli, FM Santoro, J Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, T Batista, ...
Business Process Management Journal 16 (4), 662-687, 2010
Exogenous shocks and business process management: a scholars’ perspective on challenges and opportunities
M Röglinger, R Plattfaut, V Borghoff, G Kerpedzhiev, J Becker, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 64 (5), 669-687, 2022
The quest for organizational flexibility: driving changes in business processes through the identification of relevant context
M Anastassiu, FM Santoro, J Recker, M Rosemann
Business Process Management Journal 22 (4), 763-790, 2016
A notation for knowledge-intensive processes
JM Netto, JBS França, FA Baião, FM Santoro
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 17th international conference on computer …, 2013
A conceptual framework for analyzing the use of context in groupware
MGP Rosa, MRS Borges, FM Santoro
International Conference on Collaboration and Technology, 300-313, 2003
Dynamic process adaptation: A context-aware approach
VT Nunes, CML Werner, FM Santoro
Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2011
Towards collaboration maturity in business processes: an exploratory study in oil production processes
A Magalhãe Magdaleno, C Cappelli, F Araujo Baião, F Maria Santoro, ...
Information systems management 25 (4), 302-318, 2008
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Articles 1–20