Anja Danner-Schroeder
Anja Danner-Schroeder
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Unravelling the motor of patterning work: Toward an understanding of the microlevel dynamics of standardization and flexibility
A Danner-Schröder, D Geiger
Organization Science 27 (3), 633-658, 2016
Getting ahead of time—Performing temporal boundaries to coordinate routines under temporal uncertainty
D Geiger, A Danner-Schröder, W Kremser
Administrative Science Quarterly 66 (1), 220-264, 2021
Dynamic Capabilities? Unleashing Their Dynamics through a Practice Perspective on Organizational Routines
M Wenzel, A Danner-Schröder, AP Spee
Journal of Management Inquiry 30 (4), 395-406, 2021
Addressing grand challenges through different forms of organizing: A literature review
LJ Kaufmann, A Danner-Schröder
Organizing for societal grand challenges, 163-186, 2022
Qualitative Methoden in der Organisations-und Managementforschung: Ein anwendungsorientierter Leitfaden für Datensammlung und-analyse
G Müller-Seitz, A Danner-Schröder
Vahlen, 2017
Without actors, there is no action: How interpersonal interactions help to explain routine dynamics
A Danner-Schröder
Review of Managerial Science 15 (7), 1913-1936, 2021
Towards a Processual Understanding of Task Complexity: Constructing task complexity in practice
A Danner-Schröder, SM Ostermann
Organization Studies 43 (3), 437-463, 2022
Focusing on and backgrounding events simultaneously: The past–present–future relationship of the Great East Japan Earthquake
A Danner-Schröder
Journal of Management Inquiry 29 (1), 92-110, 2020
Organisationale Resilienz. Wie Unternehmen Krisen erfolgreich bewältigen können
A Danner-Schröder, D Geiger
Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation 85 (3), 201-208, 2016
Temporal Co-Dependence Between Temporary and Permanent Organising: Tackling Grand Challenges in the Case of the Refugee Crisis in Germany
A Danner-Schröder, G Müller-Seitz
Tensions and paradoxes in temporary organizing, 179-208, 2020
Unexpected events and routine dynamics
D Geiger, A Danner-Schröder
Cambridge handbook of routine dynamics, 434-442, 2022
We are all pattern makers! How a flat ontology connects organizational routines and grand challenges
K Sele, CA Mahringer, A Danner-Schröder, T Grisold, B Renzl
Strategic Organization, 14761270231215685, 2024
Rethinking the agility puzzle–Toward an understanding of endogenous dynamics in becoming agile
F Ritter, A Danner-Schröder, G Müller-Seitz
Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management 11, 1-14, 2021
Organisational Emergence–Interdisciplinary Perspectives against the Backdrop of the Digital Transformation
M Baum, A Danner-Schröder, G Müller-Seitz, T Rabl
Management Revue 31 (1), 31-54, 2020
Routine dynamics and routine interruptions: How to create and recreate recognizability of routine patterns
A Danner-Schröder
Managementforschung 26, 63-96, 2016
A Routine Dynamics Perspective on the ‘Black Summer’Bushfires
A Danner-Schröder, K Sele
Organization Studies 45 (3), 487-490, 2024
Managing dynamic capabilities of cities? From a firm-based towards an issue-based view of dynamic capabilities
S Puderbach, T Braun, G Mueller-Seitz, A Danner-Schroeder
Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management 9, 57-83, 2017
Agile routines enabling efficiency and flexibility: Demarcating and integrating temporal orientations
F Ritter, A Danner-Schröder, G Müller-Seitz
Routine dynamics: Organizing in a world in flux, 151-177, 2024
Practice perspectives on grand challenges: Insights from SAP and routine dynamics research
K Sele, A Danner-Schröder, C Mahringer, M Feldman, B Pentland, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 2022
Organisational emergence: Interdisciplinary perspectives against the backdrop of the digital transformation of crisis management
M Baum, A Danner-Schröder, G Müller-Seitz, T Rabl
10th SKM Symposium “Competence-Based Strategic Management”, September 28–29 …, 2017
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