Macià Buades-Rotger
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Endogenous testosterone is associated with lower amygdala reactivity to angry faces and reduced aggressive behavior in healthy young women
M Buades-Rotger, C Engelke, F Beyer, BG Keevil, G Brabant, UM Krämer
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 1-14, 2016
The role of the monoamine oxidase A gene in moderating the response to adversity and associated antisocial behavior: a review
M Buades-Rotger, D Gallardo-Pujol
Psychology research and behavior management, 185-200, 2014
Avoidant responses to interpersonal provocation are associated with increased amygdala and decreased mentalizing network activity
M Buades-Rotger, F Beyer, UM Krämer
eneuro 4 (3), 2017
Winning is not enough: ventral striatum connectivity during physical aggression
M Buades-Rotger, C Brunnlieb, TF Münte, M Heldmann, UM Krämer
Brain Imaging and Behavior 10, 105-114, 2016
The meaning of aggression varies across culture: Testing the measurement invariance of the refined aggression questionnaire in samples from Spain, the United States, and Hong Kong
D Gallardo-Pujol, E Penelo, C Sit, M Jornet-Gibert, C Suso, ...
Journal of Personality assessment, 2019
From words to action: Implicit attention to antisocial semantic cues predicts aggression and amygdala reactivity to angry faces in healthy young women
M Buades‐Rotger, UM Krämer
Aggressive behavior 44 (6), 624-637, 2018
Hit or run: exploring aggressive and avoidant reactions to interpersonal provocation using a novel fight-or-escape paradigm (FOE)
F Beyer, M Buades-Rotger, M Claes, UM Krämer
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 11, 190, 2017
Trait and state patterns of basolateral amygdala connectivity at rest are related to endogenous testosterone and aggression in healthy young women
M Buades-Rotger, C Engelke, UM Krämer
Brain imaging and behavior 13, 564-576, 2019
Effects of hunger, satiety and oral glucose on effective connectivity between hypothalamus and insular cortex
A Al-Zubaidi, S Iglesias, KE Stephan, M Buades-Rotger, M Heldmann, ...
Neuroimage 217, 116931, 2020
The corticosteroid prednisolone increases amygdala and insula reactivity to food approach signals in healthy young men
G Serfling, M Buades-Rotger, B Harbeck, UM Krämer, G Brabant
Psychoneuroendocrinology 99, 154-165, 2019
Prednisolone increases neural reactivity to negative socio-emotional stimuli in healthy young men
M Buades-Rotger, G Serfling, B Harbeck, G Brabant, UM Krämer
European Neuropsychopharmacology 26 (7), 1176-1189, 2016
Abnormal processing of interpersonal cues during an aggressive encounter in women with borderline personality disorder: Neural and behavioral findings.
K Bertsch, M Buades-Rotger, M Krauch, K Ueltzhöffer, N Kleindienst, ...
Journal of psychopathology and clinical science 131 (5), 493, 2022
The influence of anger on empathy and theory of mind
R Weiblen, N Mairon, S Krach, M Buades-Rotger, M Nahum, P Kanske, ...
Plos one 16 (7), e0255068, 2021
Patients with ventromedial prefrontal lesions show an implicit approach bias to angry faces
M Buades-Rotger, AK Solbakk, M Liebrand, T Endestad, I Funderud, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (6), 1069-1081, 2021
Structural covariance of amygdala subregions is associated with trait aggression and endogenous testosterone in healthy individuals
M Göttlich, M Buades-Rotger, J Wiechert, F Beyer, UM Krämer
Neuropsychologia 165, 108113, 2022
Low competitive status elicits aggression in healthy young men: behavioral and neural evidence
M Buades-Rotger, M Göttlich, R Weiblen, P Petereit, T Scheidt, BG Keevil, ...
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsab061, 2021
Intact proactive motor inhibition after unilateral prefrontal cortex or basal ganglia lesions
M Liebrand, AK Solbakk, I Funderud, M Buades-Rotger, RT Knight, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (9), 1862-1879, 2021
Aggressive and psychopathic traits are linked to the acquisition of stable but imprecise hostile expectations
M Buades-Rotger, D Smeijers, D Gallardo-Pujol, UM Krämer, IA Brazil
Translational psychiatry 13 (1), 197, 2023
Acquiring hostile expectations through reinforcement learning: computational, personality, and behavioural correlates. PsyArXiv
M Buades-Rotger, D Smeijers, D Gallardo-Pujol, UM Krämer, I Brazil
Regulating interpersonal stress: the link between heart-rate variability, physical exercise and social perspective taking under stress
JE Kähkönen, UM Krämer, M Buades-Rotger, F Beyer
Stress 24 (6), 753-762, 2021
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