Nina Düvel
Nina Düvel
Post-doc research fellow in the Joint Lab project at HsH and TIB in Hanover, Germany
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Neuromyths in music education: Prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers and students
N Düvel, A Wolf, R Kopiez
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 629, 2017
Experience of groove questionnaire: Instrument development and initial validation
O Senn, T Bechtold, D Rose, GS Câmara, N Düvel, R Jerjen, ...
Music perception: an interdisciplinary journal 38 (1), 46-65, 2020
Confusingly similar: Discerning between hardware guitar amplifier sounds and simulations with the Kemper Profiling Amp
N Düvel, R Kopiez, A Wolf, P Weihe
Music & Science 3, 2059204320901952, 2020
Experience of groove questionnaire: German translation and validation
N Düvel, P Labonde, T Bechtold, O Senn, R Kopiez
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 39 (1), 83-99, 2021
Farewell to Holbrook & Schindler’s (1989)“song-specific age”?–little evidence for lifelong influence of age-specific musical preferences
R Kopiez, J Weigang, F Platz, N Düvel
Music & Science 4, 20592043211001794, 2021
The paired A–Not A design within signal detection theory: Description, differentiation, power analysis and application
N Düvel, R Kopiez
Behavior Research Methods 54 (5), 2334-2350, 2022
Dissecting the groove experience: The role of instrumentation, low-level audio features, and personal musical background.
N Düvel, P Labonde, R Kopiez
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain 32 (3-4), 109, 2022
You Can Tell a Prodigy From a Professional Musician: A Replication of Comeau et al.’s (2017) Study
V Pausch, N Düvel, R Kopiez
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 40 (1), 39-54, 2022
Den leisen Schlägen auf der Spur
N Düvel
Tectum Verlag, 2024
Prevalence and predictors of music-related neuromyths among teachers and students
A Wolf, N Düvel, R Kopiez
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 1, 111, 2017
Verbreitung neurodidaktischer Mythen unter Musiklehrern und Musik-Lehramtsstudierenden
N Düvel, R Kopiez, A Wolf
Jahrestagung 2016 des AMPF, 2016
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