Sharon K. Parker
Sharon K. Parker
ARC Laureate Fellow, Curtin University
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A new model of work role performance: Positive behavior in uncertain and interdependent contexts
MA Griffin, A Neal, SK Parker
Academy of management journal 50 (2), 327-347, 2007
Modeling the antecedents of proactive behavior at work.
SK Parker, HM Williams, N Turner
Journal of applied psychology 91 (3), 636, 2006
Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation
SK Parker, UK Bindl, K Strauss
Journal of management 36 (4), 827-856, 2010
Taking stock: Integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors
SK Parker, CG Collins
Journal of management 36 (3), 633-662, 2010
Achieving effective remote working during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A work design perspective
B Wang, Y Liu, J Qian, SK Parker
Applied psychology 70 (1), 16-59, 2021
Enhancing role breadth self-efficacy: the roles of job enrichment and other organizational interventions.
SK Parker
Journal of applied psychology 83 (6), 835, 1998
Redesigning Work Design Theories: The Rise of Relational and Proactive Perspectives
AM Grant, SK Parker
The Academy of Management Annals 3 (1), 317-375, 2009
Future work design research and practice: Towards an elaborated model of work design
SK Parker, TD Wall, JL Cordery
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 74 (4), 413-440, 2001
Job and work design: Organizing work to promote well-being and effectiveness
SK Parker, TD Wall
SAGE Publications, Incorporated, 1998
Beyond motivation: Job and work design for development, health, ambidexterity, and more
SK Parker
Annual review of psychology 65 (1), 661-691, 2014
Getting credit for proactive behavior: Supervisor reactions depend on what you value and how you feel
AM Grant, S Parker, C Collins
Personnel psychology 62 (1), 31-55, 2009
Proactive work behavior: Forward-thinking and change-oriented action in organizations.
UK Bindl, SK Parker
APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 2: Selecting …, 2011
"That's not my job": Developing flexible employee work orientations.
SK Parker, TD Wall, PR Jackson
Academy of Management Journal 40 (4), 899-929, 1997
Reorienting job crafting research: A hierarchical structure of job crafting concepts and integrative review
F Zhang, SK Parker
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (2), 126-146, 2019
Future work selves: how salient hoped-for identities motivate proactive career behaviors.
K Strauss, MA Griffin, SK Parker
Journal of applied psychology 97 (3), 580, 2012
Seeing another viewpoint: Antecedents and outcomes of employee perspective taking
SK Parker, CM Axtell
Academy of Management Journal 44 (6), 1085-1100, 2001
One hundred years of work design research: Looking back and looking forward.
SK Parker, FP Morgeson, G Johns
Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 403, 2017
Job satisfaction: A cross-cultural review
TA Judge, S Parker, AE Colbert, D Heller, R Ilies
Handbook of Industrial, Work & Organizational Psychology-Volume 2 …, 2001
The demands—control model of job strain: A more specific test
TD Wall, PR Jackson, S Mullarkey, SK Parker
journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 69 (2), 153-166, 1996
Minimizing strain and maximizing learning: the role of job demands, job control, and proactive personality.
SK Parker, CA Sprigg
Journal of applied psychology 84 (6), 925, 1999
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