Valeria Kleiman
Valeria Kleiman
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Coherent laser control of the product distribution obtained in the photoexcitation of HI
L Zhu, V Kleiman, X Li, SP Lu, K Trentelman, RJ Gordon
Science 270 (5233), 77-80, 1995
Amplified quenching of a conjugated polyelectrolyte by cyanine dyes
C Tan, E Atas, JG Müller, MR Pinto, VD Kleiman, KS Schanze
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (42), 13685-13694, 2004
Variable band gap poly (arylene ethynylene) conjugated polyelectrolytes
X Zhao, MR Pinto, LM Hardison, J Mwaura, J Müller, H Jiang, D Witker, ...
Macromolecules 39 (19), 6355-6366, 2006
Optical and photophysical properties of light-harvesting phenylacetylene monodendrons based on unsymmetrical branching
JS Melinger, Y Pan, VD Kleiman, Z Peng, BL Davis, D McMorrow, M Lu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (40), 12002-12012, 2002
Mercury cadmium telluride focal-plane array detection for mid-infrared Fourier-transform spectroscopic imaging
LH Kidder, IW Levin, EN Lewis, VD Kleiman, EJ Heilweil
Optics letters 22 (10), 742-744, 1997
Mapping excited-state dynamics by coherent control of a dendrimer’s photoemission efficiency
DG Kuroda, CP Singh, Z Peng, VD Kleiman
Science 326 (5950), 263-267, 2009
Coherent phase control of the photoionization of H2S
VD Kleiman, L Zhu, X Li, RJ Gordon
The Journal of chemical physics 102 (14), 5863-5866, 1995
Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations of the energy transfer between building blocks in a phenylene ethynylene dendrimer
S Fernandez-Alberti, VD Kleiman, S Tretiak, AE Roitberg
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (26), 7535-7542, 2009
Ultrafast dynamics of electronic excitations in a light-harvesting phenylacetylene dendrimer
VD Kleiman, JS Melinger, D McMorrow
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105 (24), 5595-5598, 2001
Coherent exciton-vibrational dynamics and energy transfer in conjugated organics
TR Nelson, D Ondarse-Alvarez, N Oldani, B Rodriguez-Hernandez, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2316, 2018
Unidirectional Energy Transfer in Conjugated Molecules: The Crucial Role of High-Frequency C C Bonds
S Fernandez-Alberti, VD Kleiman, S Tretiak, AE Roitberg
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (18), 2699-2704, 2010
Controlling condensed-phase vibrational excitation with tailored infrared pulses
VD Kleiman, SM Arrivo, JS Melinger, EJ Heilweil
Chemical physics 233 (2-3), 207-216, 1998
Analysis of intermolecular coordinate contributions to third-order ultrafast spectroscopy of liquids in the harmonic oscillator limit
D McMorrow, N Thantu, V Kleiman, JS Melinger, WT Lotshaw
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105 (34), 7960-7972, 2001
Shishiodoshi unidirectional energy transfer mechanism in phenylene ethynylene dendrimers
S Fernandez-Alberti, AE Roitberg, VD Kleiman, T Nelson, S Tretiak
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (22), 2012
The role of exciton hopping and direct energy transfer in the efficient quenching of conjugated polyelectrolytes
JG Müller, E Atas, C Tan, KS Schanze, VD Kleiman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (12), 4007-4016, 2006
Synthesis and characterization of colloidal ternary ZnCdSe semiconductor nanorods
H Lee, PH Holloway, H Yang
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (16), 2006
Coherent control over the photodissociation of CH3I
VD Kleiman, L Zhu, J Allen, RJ Gordon
The Journal of chemical physics 103 (24), 10800-10803, 1995
Energy transfer in the nanostar: The role of coulombic coupling and dynamics
W Ortiz, BP Krueger, VD Kleiman, JL Krause, AE Roitberg
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (23), 11512-11519, 2005
Dynamics of energy transfer in a conjugated dendrimer driven by ultrafast localization of excitations
JF Galindo, E Atas, A Altan, DG Kuroda, S Fernandez-Alberti, S Tretiak, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (36), 11637-11644, 2015
Energy transfer in unsymmetrical phenylene ethynylene dendrimers
E Atas, Z Peng, VD Kleiman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (28), 13553-13560, 2005
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Articles 1–20