Martin Mootz
Martin Mootz
Postdoctoral Fellow, U.S. Department of Energy, Ames National Laboratory
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Quantum droplets of electrons and holes
AE Almand-Hunter, H Li, ST Cundiff, M Mootz, M Kira, SW Koch
Nature 506 (7489), 471-475, 2014
Lightwave-driven gapless superconductivity and forbidden quantum beats by terahertz symmetry breaking
X Yang, C Vaswani, C Sundahl, M Mootz, L Luo, JH Kang, IE Perakis, ...
Nature Photonics 13 (10), 707-713, 2019
Light-driven Raman coherence as a nonthermal route to ultrafast topology switching in a Dirac semimetal
C Vaswani, LL Wang, DH Mudiyanselage, Q Li, PM Lozano, GD Gu, ...
Physical Review X 10 (2), 021013, 2020
Terahertz-light quantum tuning of a metastable emergent phase hidden by superconductivity
X Yang, C Vaswani, C Sundahl, M Mootz, P Gagel, L Luo, JH Kang, ...
Nature materials 17 (7), 586-591, 2018
Terahertz second-harmonic generation from lightwave acceleration of symmetry-breaking nonlinear supercurrents
C Vaswani, M Mootz, C Sundahl, DH Mudiyanselage, JH Kang, X Yang, ...
Physical Review Letters 124 (20), 207003, 2020
Ultrafast manipulation of topologically enhanced surface transport driven by mid-infrared and terahertz pulses in Bi2Se3
L Luo, X Yang, X Liu, Z Liu, C Vaswani, D Cheng, M Mootz, X Zhao, Y Yao, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 607, 2019
Coherent cyclotron motion beyond Kohn’s theorem
T Maag, A Bayer, S Baierl, M Hohenleutner, T Korn, C Schüller, D Schuh, ...
Nature Physics 12 (2), 119-123, 2016
Light quantum control of persisting Higgs modes in iron-based superconductors
C Vaswani, JH Kang, M Mootz, L Luo, X Yang, C Sundahl, D Cheng, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 258, 2021
Quantum coherence tomography of light-controlled superconductivity
L Luo, M Mootz, JH Kang, C Huang, K Eom, JW Lee, C Vaswani, ...
Nature Physics 19 (2), 201-209, 2023
Nonequilibrium Pair Breaking in Superconductors: Evidence for Formation of a Photoinduced Excitonic State
X Yang, L Luo, M Mootz, A Patz, SL Bud’ko, PC Canfield, IE Perakis, ...
Physical Review Letters 121 (26), 267001, 2018
Ultrafast nonthermal terahertz electrodynamics and possible quantum energy transfer in the superconductor
X Yang, X Zhao, C Vaswani, C Sundahl, B Song, Y Yao, D Cheng, Z Liu, ...
Physical Review B 99 (9), 094504, 2019
Visualization and quantum control of light-accelerated condensates by terahertz multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy
M Mootz, L Luo, J Wang, E Perakis
Communications Physics 5 (1), 47, 2022
Quantum-memory effects in the emission of quantum-dot microcavities
C Berger, U Huttner, M Mootz, M Kira, SW Koch, JS Tempel, M Aßmann, ...
Physical review letters 113 (9), 093902, 2014
Lightwave terahertz quantum manipulation of nonequilibrium superconductor phases and their collective modes
M Mootz, J Wang, IE Perakis
Physical Review B 102 (5), 054517, 2020
Characterizing biexciton coherences with quantum spectroscopy
M Mootz, M Kira, SW Koch, AE Almand-Hunter, ST Cundiff
Physical Review B 89 (15), 155301, 2014
Ultrafast martensitic phase transition driven by intense terahertz pulses
BQ Song, X Yang, C Sundahl, JH Kang, M Mootz, Y Yao, IE Perakis, ...
Ultrafast Science 3, 0007, 2023
Pair-excitation energetics of highly correlated many-body states
M Mootz, M Kira, SW Koch
New Journal of Physics 15 (9), 093040, 2013
Evidence for d-wave superconductivity of infinite-layer nickelates from low-energy electrodynamics
B Cheng, D Cheng, K Lee, L Luo, Z Chen, Y Lee, BY Wang, M Mootz, ...
Nature Materials 23 (6), 775-781, 2024
Sequential build-up of quantum-optical correlations
M Mootz, M Kira, SW Koch
JOSA B 29 (2), A17-A24, 2012
Chirality manipulation of ultrafast phase switches in a correlated CDW-Weyl semimetal
B Cheng, D Cheng, T Jiang, W Xia, B Song, M Mootz, L Luo, IE Perakis, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 785, 2024
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