Quantum Monte Carlo with directed loops OF Syljuåsen, AW Sandvik
Physical Review E 66 (4), 046701, 2002
955 2002 Stochastic series expansion method with operator-loop update AW Sandvik
Physical Review B 59 (22), R14157, 1999
925 1999 Computational studies of quantum spin systems AW Sandvik
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788 2010 Finite-size scaling of the ground-state parameters of the two-dimensional Heisenberg model AW Sandvik
Physical Review B 56 (18), 11678, 1997
750 1997 Quantum Monte Carlo simulation method for spin systems AW Sandvik, J Kurkijärvi
Physical Review B 43 (7), 5950, 1991
685 1991 Evidence for Deconfined Quantum Criticality in a Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model<? format?> with Four-Spin Interactions AW Sandvik
Physical review letters 98 (22), 227202, 2007
600 2007 Stochastic method for analytic continuation of quantum Monte Carlo data AW Sandvik
Physical Review B 57 (17), 10287, 1998
373 1998 A generalization of Handscomb's quantum Monte Carlo scheme-application to the 1D Hubbard model AW Sandvik
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (13), 3667, 1992
337 1992 Bond-order-wave phase and quantum phase transitions in the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model P Sengupta, AW Sandvik, DK Campbell
Physical Review B 65 (15), 155113, 2002
273 2002 Order-disorder transition in a two-layer quantum antiferromagnet AW Sandvik, DJ Scalapino
Physical review letters 72 (17), 2777, 1994
271 1994 Quantum criticality with two length scales H Shao, W Guo, AW Sandvik
Science 352 (6282), 213-216, 2016
268 2016 Continuous Quantum Phase Transition between an Antiferromagnet and a Valence-Bond Solid<? format?> in Two Dimensions: Evidence for Logarithmic Corrections to Scaling AW Sandvik
Physical review letters 104 (17), 177201, 2010
256 2010 Antiferromagnetic to valence-bond-solid transitions in two-dimensional Heisenberg models with multispin interactions J Lou, AW Sandvik, N Kawashima
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (18), 180414, 2009
248 2009 High-precision finite-size scaling analysis of the quantum-critical point of Heisenberg antiferromagnetic bilayers L Wang, KSD Beach, AW Sandvik
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (1), 014431, 2006
217 2006 Striped Phase in a Quantum Model with Ring Exchange AW Sandvik, S Daul, RRP Singh, DJ Scalapino
Physical review letters 89 (24), 247201, 2002
193 2002 Quantum critical dynamics in a 5,000-qubit programmable spin glass AD King, J Raymond, T Lanting, R Harris, A Zucca, F Altomare, AJ Berkley, ...
Nature 617 (7959), 61-66, 2023
190 2023 Sign problem in Monte Carlo simulations of frustrated quantum spin systems P Henelius, AW Sandvik
Physical Review B 62 (2), 1102, 2000
184 2000 Variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations with tensor-network states AW Sandvik, G Vidal
Physical review letters 99 (22), 220602, 2007
178 2007 Critical Level Crossings and Gapless Spin Liquid in the Square-Lattice Spin- Heisenberg Antiferromagnet L Wang, AW Sandvik
Physical review letters 121 (10), 107202, 2018
177 2018 Stochastic series expansion method for quantum Ising models with arbitrary interactions AW Sandvik
Physical Review E 68 (5), 056701, 2003
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