Prof. Dr. Stefan König
Prof. Dr. Stefan König
Professor Sport Science, University of Education, Weingarten (Germany)
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Design, Formation and Properties of Tetrahedral M4L4 and M4L6 Supramolecular Clusters1
DL Caulder, C Brückner, RE Powers, S König, TN Parac, JA Leary, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (37), 8923-8938, 2001
Evidence for linkage position determination in cobalt coordinated pentasaccharides using ion trap mass spectrometry
S König, JA Leary
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 9 (11), 1125-1134, 1998
Top 10 research questions related to teaching games for understanding
D Memmert, L Almond, D Bunker, J Butler, F Fasold, L Griffin, W Hillmann, ...
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 86 (4), 347-359, 2015
Gesamtes Strafrecht
D Dölling, G Duttge, S König, D Rössner
StGB, StPO, Nebengesetze. Handkommentar 4, 2008
Rapid and simple LC‐MS/MS screening of 64 novel psychoactive substances using dried blood spots
L Ambach, A Hernández Redondo, S König, W Weinmann
Drug testing and analysis 6 (4), 367-375, 2014
Simultaneous quantification of delta-9-THC, THC-acid A, CBN and CBD in seized drugs using HPLC-DAD
L Ambach, F Penitschka, A Broillet, S König, W Weinmann, W Bernhard
Forensic science international 243, 107-111, 2014
Quantitative determination of CBD and THC and their acid precursors in confiscated cannabis samples by HPLC-DAD
M Hädener, S König, W Weinmann
Forensic science international 299, 142-150, 2019
The role (s) of qualitative content analysis in mixed methods research designs
K Kansteiner, S König
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 21 (1), 2020
Synthesis of highly charged organometallic dendrimers and their characterization by electrospray mass spectrometry and single-crystal X-ray diffraction
JW Kriesel, S König, MA Freitas, AG Marshall, JA Leary, TD Tilley
Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 (47), 12207-12215, 1998
On-line SPE LC-MS/MS for the quantification of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its two major metabolites in human peripheral blood by liquid chromatography tandem mass …
S König, B Aebi, S Lanz, M Gasser, W Weinmann
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 400, 9-16, 2011
Determination of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid A (Δ9-THCA-A) in whole blood and plasma by LC–MS/MS and application in authentic samples from drivers suspected of driving under …
N Raikos, H Schmid, S Nussbaumer, L Ambach, S Lanz, A Längin, ...
Forensic science international 243, 130-136, 2014
Inhibition of bacterial degradation of EtG by collection as dried urine spots (DUS)
A Hernández Redondo, C Körber, S König, A Längin, A Al-Ahmad, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 402, 2417-2424, 2012
Pharmacokinetics of GHB and detection window in serum and urine after single uptake of a low dose of GBL–an experiment with two volunteers
A Schröck, Y Hari, S König, V Auwärter, S Schürch, W Weinmann
Drug testing and analysis 6 (4), 363-366, 2014
Detection and quantification of 56 new psychoactive substances in whole blood and urine by LC–MS/MS
L Ambach, A Hernández Redondo, S König, V Angerer, S Schürch, ...
Bioanalysis 7 (9), 1119-1136, 2015
Gesamtes Strafrecht, Kommentar, 4
D Dölling, G Duttge, S König, D Rössner
Aufl., Nomos: Baden-Baden, 2017
Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in blood samples from “driving under the influence” cases as indicator for prolonged excessive alcohol consumption
A Schröck, A Hernández Redondo, M Martin Fabritius, S König, ...
International journal of legal medicine 130, 393-400, 2016
Change of the age and performance of swimmers across World Championships and Olympic Games finals from 1992 to 2013–a cross-sectional data analysis
S König, F Valeri, S Wild, T Rosemann, CA Rüst, B Knechtle
SpringerPlus 3, 1-13, 2014
A comprehensive and efficient daily quality assurance for PBS proton therapy
O Actis, D Meer, S König, DC Weber, A Mayor
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (5), 1661, 2017
Teaching games at elementary schools
D Memmert, S König
International Journal of Physical Education 44, 54-67, 2007
Germany's 2018 report card on physical activity for children and youth.
Y Demetriou, J Bucksch, A Hebestreit, A Schlund, C Niessner, ...
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