Michael Noll-Hussong, MD
Michael Noll-Hussong, MD
Universität des Saarlandes & TU München
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Calbindin in cerebellar Purkinje cells is a critical determinant of the precision of motor coordination
JJ Barski, J Hartmann, CR Rose, F Hoebeek, K Mörl, M Noll-Hussong, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (8), 3469-3477, 2003
Brief psychodynamic interpersonal psychotherapy for patients with multisomatoform disorder: randomised controlled trial
H Sattel, C Lahmann, H Gündel, E Guthrie, J Kruse, M Noll-Hussong, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 200 (1), 60-67, 2012
Functional relaxation and guided imagery as complementary therapy in asthma: a randomized controlled clinical trial
C Lahmann, M Nickel, T Schuster, N Sauer, J Ronel, M Noll-Hussong, ...
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 78 (4), 233-239, 2009
Frequency shifts in the anterior default mode network and the salience network in chronic pain disorder
A Otti, H Guendel, A Wohlschläger, C Zimmer, M Noll-Hussong
BMC psychiatry 13, 1-9, 2013
Functional relaxation as complementary therapy in irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized, controlled clinical trial
C Lahmann, F Röhricht, N Sauer, M Noll-Hussong, J Ronel, G Henrich, ...
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 16 (1), 47-52, 2010
I know the pain you feel—how the human brain's default mode predicts our resonance to another's suffering
A Otti, H Guendel, L Läer, AM Wohlschlaeger, RD Lane, J Decety, ...
Neuroscience 169 (1), 143-148, 2010
Aftermath of sexual abuse history on adult patients suffering from chronic functional pain syndromes: an fMRI pilot study
M Noll-Hussong, A Otti, L Laeer, A Wohlschlaeger, C Zimmer, C Lahmann, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 68 (5), 483-487, 2010
The role of hedonics in the Human Affectome
S Becker, AK Bräscher, S Bannister, M Bensafi, D Calma-Birling, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 102, 221-241, 2019
Individual, collective, and transgenerational traumatization in the Yazidi
JI Kizilhan, M Noll-Hussong
BMC medicine 15 (1), 198, 2017
The human affectome
D Schiller, NC Alessandra, N Alia-Klein, S Becker, HC Cromwell, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 158, 105450, 2024
Requirement of TrkB for synapse elimination in developing cerebellar Purkinje cells
LWJ Bosman, J Hartmann, JJ Barski, A Lepier, M Noll-Hussong, ...
Brain cell biology 35, 87-101, 2006
Functional network connectivity of pain-related resting state networks in somatoform pain disorder: an exploratory fMRI study
A Otti, H Guendel, P Henningsen, C Zimmer, AM Wohlschlaeger, ...
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 38 (1), 57-65, 2013
Post-traumatic stress disorder among former Islamic State child soldiers in northern Iraq
JI Kizilhan, M Noll-Hussong
The British Journal of Psychiatry 213 (1), 425-429, 2018
Acupuncture-induced pain relief and the human brain’s default mode network–an extended view of central effects of acupuncture analgesia
A Otti, M Noll-Hussong
Forschende Komplementärmedizin/Research in Complementary Medicine 19 (4 …, 2012
Posttraumatic stress disorder and related disorders among female Yazidi refugees following Islamic state of Iraq and Syria attacks—a case series and mini-review
I Gerdau, JI Kizilhan, M Noll-Hussong
Frontiers in Psychiatry 8, 282, 2017
Shame, dissociative seizures and their correlation among traumatised female Yazidi with experience of sexual violence
JI Kizilhan, F Steger, M Noll-Hussong
The British Journal of Psychiatry 216 (3), 138-143, 2020
Psychological impact of COVID-19 in a refugee camp in Iraq
JI Kizilhan, M Noll-Hussong
Saarländische Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek, 2020
Default mode network of the brain: neurobiology and clinical significance
A Otti, H Gündel, A Wohlschläger, C Zimmer, C Sorg, M Noll-Hussong
Der Nervenarzt 83, 16-24, 2012
Activation of CRH receptor type 1 expressed on glutamatergic neurons increases excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons by the modulation of voltage-gated ion channels
S Kratzer, C Mattusch, MW Metzger, N Dedic, M Noll-Hussong, KW Kafitz, ...
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 7, 91, 2013
Effects of verbal suggestion on coronary arteries: results of a randomized controlled experimental investigation during coronary angiography
J Ronel, J Mehilli, KH Ladwig, H Blättler, N Oversohl, RA Byrne, A Bauer, ...
American heart journal 162 (3), 507-511, 2011
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