Laura Mann
Laura Mann
Postdoctoral Researcher, African Studies Centre, Leiden
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Left to other peoples’ devices? A political economy perspective on the big data revolution in development
L Mann
Development and Change 49 (1), 3-36, 2018
Digital control in value chains: Challenges of connectivity for East African firms
C Foster, M Graham, L Mann, T Waema, N Friederici
Economic Geography 94 (1), 68-86, 2018
Understanding the political motivations that shape Rwanda's emergent developmental state
L Mann, M Berry
New Political Economy 21 (1), 119-144, 2016
Imagining a silicon Savannah? Technological and conceptual connectivity in Kenya's BPO and software development sectors
M Graham, L Mann
the Electronic Journal of Information systems in developing Countries 56 (1 …, 2013
Wasta! The long-term implications of education expansion and economic liberalisation on politics in Sudan
L Mann
Review of African Political Economy 41 (142), 561-578, 2014
Geographical imagination and technological connectivity in East Africa
M Graham, C Andersen, L Mann
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40 (3), 334-349, 2015
The domestic turn: Business process outsourcing and the growing automation of Kenyan organisations
L Mann, M Graham
Globalization, Economic Inclusion and African Workers, 68-86, 2018
Introduction: Global economic inclusion and African workers
K Meagher, L Mann, M Bolt
Globalization, Economic Inclusion and African Workers, 9-20, 2018
Liberation movements and stalled democratic transitions: Reproducing power in Rwanda and South Africa through productive liminality
A Beresford, ME Berry, L Mann
Democratization 25 (7), 1231-1250, 2018
Capturing value amidst constant global restructuring? Information-technology-enabled services in India, the Philippines and Kenya
JM Kleibert, L Mann
The European Journal of Development Research 32 (4), 1057-1079, 2020
From development state to corporate leviathan: Historicizing the infrastructural performativity of digital platforms within Kenyan agriculture
L Mann, G Iazzolino
Development and Change 52 (4), 829-854, 2021
Sellers on the street: the human infrastructure of the mobile phone network in Kigali, Rwanda
L Mann, E Nzayisenga
Critical African Studies 7 (1), 26-46, 2015
See, nudge, control and profit: Digital platforms as privatized epistemic infrastructures
L Mann, G Iazzolino
IT for Change https://itforchange. net/platformpolitics/wp-content/uploads …, 2019
The Internet and business process outsourcing in East Africa
L Mann, M Graham, N Friederici
Oxford Internet Institute Report, Oxford, UK, 2015
‘We do our bit in our own space’: DAL Group and the development of a curiously Sudanese enclave economy
L Mann
The Journal of Modern African Studies 51 (2), 279-303, 2013
Harvesting data: who benefits from platformization of agricultural finance in Kenya
G Iazzolino, L Mann
Developing Economics 14, 2019
Geographies of Connectivity in East Africa: Trains, Telecommunications, and
M Graham, C Andersen, L Mann
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40 (3), 334-349, 2015
Retreat of the State and the Market: Liberalisation and Education Expansion in Sudan under the NCP
LE Mann
The University of Edinburgh, 2012
The digital divide and employment
L Mann
Oxford University Press, 2014
Misaligned social policy? Explaining the origins and limitations of cash transfers in Sudan
M Ali, L Mann
Development and Change 54 (4), 841-869, 2023
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