Amirhossein Ghasemi
Amirhossein Ghasemi
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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Pre-compensation of servo contour errors using a model predictive control framework
S Yang, AH Ghasemi, X Lu, CE Okwudire
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 98, 50-60, 2015
Who’s the boss? Arbitrating control authority between a human driver and automation system
A Bhardwaj, AH Ghasemi, Y Zheng, H Febbo, P Jayakumar, T Ersal, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 68, 144-160, 2020
Shared control architectures for vehicle steering
AH Ghasemi, P Jayakumar, RB Gillespie
Cognition, Technology & Work, 1-11, 2019
A nonlinear computational modeling of wave energy converters: A tethered point absorber and a bottom-hinged flap device
A Ghasemi, M Anbarsooz, A Malvandi, A Ghasemi, F Hedayati
Renewable energy 103, 774-785, 2017
Architectures for Shared Control of Vehicle Steering⋆
P Boehm, AH Ghasemi, S O’Modhrain, P Jayakumar, RB Gillespie
The 13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation …, 2016
Modulation of control authority in adaptive haptic shared control paradigms
V Izadi, AH Ghasemi
Mechatronics 78, 102598, 2021
Determination of roles and interaction modes in a haptic shared control framework
V Izadi, A Yeravdekar, A Ghasemi
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 59148, V001T05A005, 2019
Decentralized Vibration and Shape Control of Structures with Colocated Sensors and Actuators
TM Ghasemi, A.H. Hoagg, J.B. and Seigler
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 138 (3), 2016
Optimal lane management in heterogeneous traffic network
P Karimi Shahri, S Chintamani Shindgikar, B HomChaudhuri, ...
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 59162, V003T18A003, 2019
A Linear Feedback Control Framework for Optimally Locating Passive Vibration Isolators with Known Stiffness and Damping Parameters
JS Jihyun Lee, Amirhossein H. Ghasemi, Chinedum E. Okwudire
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2016
Condensation modeling of the bolted joint structure with the effect of nonlinear dynamics
K Lingfei, J Heling, AH Ghasemi, L Yan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 442, 657-676, 2019
A suggestion-based fuel efficient control framework for connected and automated vehicles in heterogeneous urban traffic
TV Baby, V Bhattacharyya, PK Shahri, AH Ghasemi, B HomChaudhuri
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 134, 103476, 2022
Human Motor Control and the Internal Model Principle⋆
RB Gillespie, AH Ghasemi, J Freudenberg
The 13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation …, 2016
Role negotiation in a haptic shared control framework
AH Ghasemi, M Johns, B Garber, P Boehm, P Jayakumar, W Ju, ...
Adjunct proceedings of the 8th international conference on automotive user …, 2016
Impedance Modulation for Negotiating Control Authority in a Haptic Shared Control Paradigm
V Izadi, A Bhardwaj, AH Ghasemi
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 2020
Vibration control of a rotor-bearing system with smart bearings using mabhetorheologic fluids
AH Ghasemi, AR Ohadi, MHG Saadat
한국소음진동공학회 국제학술발표논문집, 3029-3036, 2008
Slewing and vibration control of a single-link flexible manipulator using filtered feedback linearization
AH Ghasemi
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 28 (20), 2887-2895, 2017
Orientation control using oscillating momentum wheels
S Wang, AH Ghasemi, JL Evans, TM Seigler
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 57243, V001T06A007, 2015
Optimal lane management in heterogeneous traffic network using extremum seeking approach
PK Shahri, AH Ghasemi, V Izadi
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Distributed actuation requirements of piezoelectric structures under servoconstraints
TM Seigler, AH Ghasemi, A Salehian
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 22 (11), 1227-1238, 2011
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Articles 1–20