Matt L. Miller, Ph.D.
Matt L. Miller, Ph.D.
Arizona State University, REACH Institute
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SWAMP: an agent-based model for wetland and waterfowl conservation management
ML Miller, KM Ringelman, JC Schank, JM Eadie
Simulation 90 (1), 52-68, 2014
Evolution of fairness in the dictator game by multilevel selection
JC Schank, PE Smaldino, ML Miller
Journal of Theoretical Biology 382, 64-73, 2015
Time to fly: A comparison of marginal value theorem approximations in an agent-based model of foraging waterfowl
ML Miller, KM Ringelman, JM Eadie, JC Schank
Ecological Modelling 351, 77-86, 2017
The Effect of Sampling-Time Variation on Latent Growth Curve Models
ML Miller, E Ferrer
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 24 (6), 831-854, 2017
Changes in cerebral arterial pulsatility and hippocampal volume: a transcranial doppler ultrasonography study
ML Miller, P Ghisletta, BS Jacobs, CL Dahle, N Raz
Neurobiology of Aging 108, 110-121, 2021
The Evolution of Fair Offers with Low Rejection Thresholds in the Ultimatum Game
JC Schank, PE Miller, Matt L., Smaldino
bioRxiv, 162313, 2017
The current practice of latent growth curve modeling in the social and behavioral sciences: Observations and recommendations
ML Miller, E Ferrer, P Ghisletta
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 01650254241269723, 2023
An agent-based model to quantify energetics, movement and habitat selection of mid-continent mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley
FG Weller, EB Webb, S Fogenburg, WS Beatty, D Kesler, RH Blenk, ...
Ecological Modelling 485, 110488, 2023
Future MASON Directions: Community Recommendations
N Payette, M Bujorianu, G Ropella, K Cline, J Schank, M Miller, S Jonsson, ...
Report of the 2013 MASON NSF Workshop, George Mason University Computer …, 2013
Trends in Cannabis-related Hospitalizations in Arizona from 2016-2021 and Associations with Mental Health-related Hospitalizations
MH Meier, HM Hummel, ML Miller
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, jsad. 23-00379, 2024
Time in Latent Growth Curve Models
ML Miller, P Ghisletta
Dependent Data in Social Sciences Research: Forms, Issues, and Methods of …, 2024
Improving the Estimation of Blood Alcohol Concentration from Reported Drinking
ML Miller, BD Bartholow, TM Piasecki, M Meier
FMRI network dynamics underpinning the impact of affective carry-over on cognitive control
J Gaviria, G Rey, M Miller, T Bolton, S Brosset, D Van De Ville, ...
Agent-based modeling of movements and habitat selection by mid-continent mallards
FG Weller, EB Webb, WS Beatty, S Fogenburg, D Kesler, RH Blenk, ...
Cooperator Science Series, 2022
Agent-Based Models of Emergent Coordination
ML Miller
University of California, Davis, 2019
LSU Scholarly Repositor y
ML Miller, KM Ringelman, JM Eadie, JC Schank
Ecological Modelling 351, 77-86, 2017
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