Kate O'Brien, Kathleen O'Brien, Kathleen M O'Brien
Kate O'Brien, Kathleen O'Brien, Kathleen M O'Brien
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Cited by
Behaviorally mediated trophic cascades: effects of predation risk on food web interactions
OJ Schmitz, AP Beckerman, KM O’Brien
Ecology 78 (5), 1388-1399, 1997
Predictors of specialist avifaunal decline in coastal marshes
MD Correll, WA Wiest, TP Hodgman, WG Shriver, CS Elphick, BJ McGill, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (1), 172-182, 2017
A multiscale analysis of gene flow for the N ew E ngland cottontail, an imperiled habitat specialist in a fragmented landscape
LE Fenderson, AI Kovach, JA Litvaitis, KM O'Brien, KM Boland, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (10), 1853-1875, 2014
Mercury in breeding saltmarsh sparrows (Ammodramus caudacutus caudacutus)
OP Lane, KM O’Brien, DC Evers, TP Hodgman, A Major, N Pau, MJ Ducey, ...
Ecotoxicology 20, 1984-1991, 2011
Genomic interaction between ER and HMGB2 identifies DDX18 as a novel driver of endocrine resistance in breast cancer cells
AM Redmond, C Byrne, FT Bane, GD Brown, P Tibbitts, K O’Brien, ...
Oncogene 34 (29), 3871-3880, 2015
Plasticity in nesting adaptations of a tidal marsh endemic bird
B Benvenuti, J Walsh, KM O'Brien, AI Kovach
Ecology and Evolution 8 (22), 10780-10793, 2018
Relationship of phenotypic variation and genetic admixture in the Saltmarsh–Nelson's sparrow hybrid zone
J Walsh, WG Shriver, BJ Olsen, KM O'Brien, AI Kovach
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 132 (3), 704-716, 2015
Fine-Scale Population Structure and Asymmetrical Dispersal in an Obligate Salt-Marsh Passerine, the Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus)
J Walsh, AI Kovach, KJ Babbitt, KM O'brien
The Auk 129 (2), 247-258, 2012
Factors influencing detection in occupancy surveys of a threatened lagomorph
DR Brubaker, AI Kovach, MJ Ducey, WJ Jakubas, KM O'brien
Wildlife Society Bulletin 38 (3), 513-523, 2014
Seasonal fecundity is not related to geographic position across a species’ global range despite a central peak in abundance
KJ Ruskin, MA Etterson, TP Hodgman, AC Borowske, JB Cohen, ...
Oecologia 183, 291-301, 2017
Anthropogenic habitats facilitate dispersal of an early successional obligate: implications for restoration of an endangered ecosystem
KE Amaral, M Palace, KM O’Brien, LE Fenderson, AI Kovach
PLoS One 11 (3), e0148842, 2016
Demographic analysis demonstrates systematic but independent spatial variation in abiotic and biotic stressors across 59 percent of a global species range
KJ Ruskin, MA Etterson, TP Hodgman, AC Borowske, JB Cohen, ...
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 134 (4), 903-916, 2017
Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates, using a coastal species as a case study
CR Field, KJ Ruskin, B Benvenuti, AC Borowske, JB Cohen, L Garey, ...
Ecography 41 (6), 971-981, 2018
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence fitness in an avian hybrid zone
J Walsh, BJ Olsen, KJ Ruskin, W Gregory Shriver, KM O'Brien, AI Kovach
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119 (4), 890-903, 2016
Genetic barcode RFLP analysis of the Nelson's and Saltmarsh sparrow hybrid zone
J Walsh, AI Kovach, OP Lane, KM O'brien, KJ Babbitt
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123 (2), 316-322, 2011
Long-term monitoring of mercury in adult saltmarsh sparrows breeding in Maine, Massachusetts and New York, USA 2000–2017
O Lane, EM Adams, N Pau, KM O’Brien, K Regan, M Farina, ...
Ecotoxicology 29 (8), 1148-1160, 2020
Population abundance and trends of Saltmarsh (Ammodramus caudacutus) and Nelson’s (A. nelsoni) Sparrows: influence of sea levels and precipitation
WG Shriver, KM O’Brien, MJ Ducey, TP Hodgman
Journal of Ornithology 157, 189-200, 2016
Elevated mercury levels in a wintering population of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in the northeastern United States
DE Meattey, L Savoy, J Beuth, N Pau, K O’Brien, J Osenkowski, K Regan, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 86 (1-2), 229-237, 2014
Annual variation in the offspring sex ratio of Saltmarsh Sparrows supports Fisher's hypothesis
B Benvenuti, J Walsh, KM O'Brien, MJ Ducey, AI Kovach
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135 (2), 342-358, 2018
Automated VHF radiotelemetry revealed site-specific differences in fall migration strategies of Semipalmated Sandpipers on stopover in the Gulf of Maine
RL Holberton, PD Taylor, LM Tudor, KM O'Brien, GH Mittelhauser, A Breit
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 327, 2019
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