Pablo Arocena
Pablo Arocena
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An empirical analysis of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety management systems in SMEs
P Arocena, I Núñez
International small business journal 28 (4), 398-419, 2010
Generating efficiency: economic and environmental regulation of public and private electricity generators in Spain
P Arocena, CW Price
International Journal of Industrial Organization 20 (1), 41-69, 2002
The impact of prevention measures and organisational factors on occupational injuries
P Arocena, I Núñez, M Villanueva
Safety Science 46 (9), 1369-1384, 2008
Cost and quality gains from diversification and vertical integration in the electricity industry: A DEA approach
P Arocena
Energy economics 30 (1), 39-58, 2008
The efficiency of state-owned and privatized firms: Does ownership make a difference?
P Arocena, D Oliveros
International Journal of Production Economics 140 (1), 457-465, 2012
Productivity differences across OECD countries in the presence of environmental constraints
FJ Arcelus, P Arocena
Journal of the Operational Research Society 56 (12), 1352-1362, 2005
Accounting for quality in the measurement of hospital performance: evidence from Costa Rica
P Arocena, A García‐Prado
Health Economics 16 (7), 667-685, 2007
Convergence and productive efficiency in fourteen OECD countries: a non-parametric frontier approach
FJ Arcelus, P Arocena
International Journal of Production Economics 66 (2), 105-117, 2000
The impact of ISO 14001 on firm environmental and economic performance: The moderating role of size and environmental awareness
P Arocena, R Orcos, F Zouaghi
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (2), 955-967, 2021
The effect of enhancing workers’ employability on small and medium enterprises: evidence from Spain
P Arocena, I Núñez, M Villanueva
Small Business Economics 29 (1), 191-201, 2007
Regulatory reform in the Spanish electricity industry: a missed opportunity for competition
P Arocena, P Regibeau
Energy Policy 27 (7), 387-399, 1999
Scale and scope economies and the efficient vertical and horizontal configuration of the water industry: a survey of the literature
DS Saal, P Arocena, A Maziotis, T Triebs
Review of Network Economics 12 (1), 93-129, 2013
Measuring sectoral productivity across time and across countries
FJ Arcelus, P Arozena
European Journal of Operational Research 119 (2), 254-266, 1999
Estimating economies of scale and scope with flexible technology
TP Triebs, DS Saal, P Arocena, SC Kumbhakar
Journal of Productivity Analysis 45, 173-186, 2016
On the cost-efficiency of service delivery in small municipalities
FJ Arcelus, P Arocena, F Cabasés, P Pascual
Regional studies 49 (9), 1469-1480, 2015
Price regulation in the Spanish energy sectors: who benefits?
P Arocena, I Contı́n, E Huerta
Energy Policy 30 (10), 885-895, 2002
Vertical and horizontal scope economies in the regulated US electric power industry
P Arocena, DS Saal, T Coelli
The Journal of Industrial Economics 60 (3), 434-467, 2012
Privatization policy in Spain: stuck between liberalization and the protection of national's interest
P Arocena
The effect of occupational safety legislation in preventing accidents at work: traditional versus advanced manufacturing industries
P Arocena, I Nunez
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 27 (1), 159-174, 2009
Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions
I Cazcarro, D García-Gusano, D Iribarren, P Linares, JC Romero, ...
Science of the Total Environment 805, 150329, 2022
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