Stefan Tenbohlen
Stefan Tenbohlen
Professor für Energieübertragung und Hochspannungstechnik, Universität Stuttgart
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Cited by
Detection and location of partial discharges in power transformers using acoustic and electromagnetic signals
SM Markalous, S Tenbohlen, K Feser
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 15 (6), 1576-1583, 2008
Optimization of unit commitment and economic dispatch in microgrids based on genetic algorithm and mixed integer linear programming
M Nemati, M Braun, S Tenbohlen
Applied energy 210, 944-963, 2018
Aging performance and moisture solubility of vegetable oils for power transformers
S Tenbohlen, M Koch
IEEE transactions on power delivery 25 (2), 825-830, 2010
Partial discharge measurement in the ultra high frequency (UHF) range
S Tenbohlen, D Denissov, SM Hoek, SM Markalous
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 15 (6), 1544-1552, 2008
Diagnostic measurements for power transformers
S Tenbohlen, S Coenen, M Djamali, A Müller, MH Samimi, M Siegel
Energies 9 (5), 347, 2016
Mathematical comparison methods to assess transfer functions of transformers to detect different types of mechanical faults
E Rahimpour, M Jabbari, S Tenbohlen
IEEE transactions on power delivery 25 (4), 2544-2555, 2010
Sensitivity of UHF PD measurements in power transformers
S Coenen, S Tenbohlen, SM Markalous, T Strehl
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 15 (6), 1553-1558, 2008
Application of UHF sensors for PD measurement at power transformers
M Siegel, M Beltle, S Tenbohlen, S Coenen
IEEE Transactions on dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24 (1), 331-339, 2017
Location of PD sources in power transformers by UHF and acoustic measurements
S Coenen, S Tenbohlen
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 19 (6), 1934-1940, 2012
Characteristics of series and parallel low current arc faults in the time and frequency domain
P Müller, S Tenbohlen, R Maier, M Anheuser
2010 Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 1-7, 2010
FRA interpretation using numerical indices: State-of-the-art
MH Samimi, S Tenbohlen
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 89, 115-125, 2017
Experienced-based evaluation of economic benefits of on-line monitoring systems for power transformers
S Tenbohlen, T Stirl, G Bastos, J Baldauf, P Mayer, M Stach, ...
Cigré Session 2002, 12-110, 2002
Risk assessment on defects in GIS based on PD diagnostics
U Schichler, W Koltunowicz, F Endo, K Feser, A Giboulet, A Girodet, ...
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 20 (6), 2165-2172, 2013
Application of vegetable oil-based insulating fluids to hermetically sealed power transformers
S Tenbohlen, M Koch, D Vukovic, A Weinläder, J Baum, J Harthun, ...
Cigre session 42, 24-29, 2008
The influence of surface charge on lightning impulse breakdown of spacers in SF/sub 6
S Tenbohlen, G Schroder
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 7 (2), 241-246, 2000
Enhanced diagnosis of power transformers using on-and off-line methods: Results, examples and future trends
S Tenbohlen, D Uhde, J Poittevin, H Borsi, P Werle, U Sundermann, ...
Cigré Session 2000, 12-204, 2000
Evolution of bubbles in oil–paper insulation influenced by material quality and ageing
M Koch, S Tenbohlen
IET Electric Power Applications 5 (1), 168-174, 2011
Diagnostic application of moisture equilibrium for power transformers
M Koch, S Tenbohlen, T Stirl
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4), 2574-2581, 2010
Experimental and theoretical investigation of disc space variation in real high-voltage windings using transfer function method
E Rahimpour, S Tenbohlen
IET electric power applications 4 (6), 451-461, 2010
Evaluation of numerical indices for the assessment of transformer frequency response
MH Samimi, S Tenbohlen, AA Shayegani Akmal, H Mohseni
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (1), 218-227, 2017
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Articles 1–20