Hưng Nguyễn Tiến
Hưng Nguyễn Tiến
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Linear parameter varying control of doubly fed induction machines
HN Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen, V Müller
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 63 (1), 216-224, 2015
Robust performance of self-scheduled LPV control of doubly-fed induction generator in wind energy conversion systems
HN Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-10, 2007
IQC-based robust stability analysis for LPV control of doubly-fed induction generators
HN Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2008
Control of the doubly-fed induction machine for wind turbine applications
HN Tien
Discrete-time linear parameter varying control of doubly-fed induction generators
HN Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
International symposium on electrical-electronics engineering ISEE 2007, 266-273, 2007
Control of the doubly-fed induction machine for wind turbine applications
H Nguyen Tien
Robust performance of self-scheduled LPV control of doubly-fed induction generator in wind energy conversion systems
H Nguyen Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
in volume 2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE
H Nguyen Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
University of Groningen, 2007
Self-scheduled LPV controller synthesis for doubly-fed induction generators
HN Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
Windpower 2007, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2007
in volume Proceedings on Windpower 2007
H Nguyen Tien, CW Scherer, JMA Scherpen
University of Groningen, Research Institute of Technology and Management, 0
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