Patrick Weber
Patrick Weber
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Cooperative approaches to data sharing and analysis for industrial internet of things ecosystems
H Baars, A Tank, P Weber, HG Kemper, H Lasi, B Pedell
Applied Sciences 11 (16), 7547, 2021
Design and evaluation of an approach to generate cross-domain value scenarios in the context of the industrial internet of things: a capability-based approach
P Weber, S Hiller, H Lasi
2019 Portland international conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2019
Transforming value chains into internet-based ecosystems: a testbed approach
P Weber, D Morar, H Lasi
2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2018
Identifying business potentials within an IoT ecosystem–An explorative case study in the industrial domain
P Weber, S Hiller, H Lasi
Identifying business potentials of additive manufacturing as part of digital value creation in SMEs–An explorative case study
S Hiller, P Weber, H Rust, H Lasi
Enterprise Information Systems vs. Digital Twins–A Case Study on the Properties, Purpose, and Future Relationship in the Logistics Sector
J Lachenmaier, P Weber, H Lasi
Institutionalisierung digitaler Ökosysteme in der Rechtsform einer Genossenschaft: case Study im produzierenden Kontext
P Weber, M Werling, A Tank, H Baars
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59 (5), 1353-1365, 2022
Dual Scientific Research Framework-Generating Real World Impact and Scientific Progress in Internet of Things Ecosystems.
P Weber, S Hiller, H Lasi
PACIS, 190, 2021
Institutionalizing Analytic Data Sharing in SME Ecosystems–A Role-Based Perspective
H Baars, P Weber, A Tank
Enterprise Interoperabilität in internetbasierten Ökosystemen
T Süße, P Weber, H Lasi, U Wilkens, N Gronau
Industrial Internet of Things in der Arbeits-und Betriebsorganisation …, 2017
Digital entrepreneurship in wholesale: identification of implementation strategies for data spaces
A Neff, P Weber, D Werth
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 30 (2/3), 258-276, 2024
Realization of entrepreneurial intentions in global crises: a qualitative study
A Neff, T Würthner, P Weber, D Werth
European Conference On Innovation And Entrepreneurship 18 (10.34190), 2023
Design Principles for Institutionalized Data Ecosystems–Results from a Series of Case Studies
P Weber, M Werling, H Baars
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings, 2023
Value Modeling in IoT Ecosystems with a Central Trusted Entity–Qualitative Interviews and Explorative Case Study
M Werling, P Weber, A Tank
Design Principles for Creating a Pay-per-Part Value Proposition in Data Ecosystems
S Hiller, P Weber, H Lasi
Implementing a proof-of-concept in IoT-ecosystems: a case study in the hospitality industry
S Kurrle, S Hiller, P Weber, H Lasi
2022 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2022
Gewerkeübergreifende Zusammenarbeit–Beispiel für ein Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk im Handwerk
P Weber, A Keller, N Steinhäuser, L Hornberger
Mittelstand-Digital Magazin. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, Jg, 19-25, 2019
Establishing an electric mobility ecosystem
R Gharib, D Duwe, P Weber
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2018
Evolutionary Milestones in the Development of Data Ecosystems
P Weber, S Hiller, S Kurrle, M Werling, D Werth
Einordnung und Schlüsselfunktionen in digitalen Ökosystemen
P Weber, M Werling, H Lasi, B Heilbronn
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Artikel 1–20