Simon Rueger
Simon Rueger
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Online-monitoring of tree water stress in a hedgerow olive orchard using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
JE Fernández, CM Rodriguez-Dominguez, A Perez-Martin, ...
Agricultural Water Management 100 (1), 25-35, 2011
Whole-tree water balance and indicators for short-term drought stress in non-bearing ‘Barnea’olives
A Ben-Gal, D Kool, N Agam, GE van Halsema, U Yermiyahu, A Yafe, ...
Agricultural Water Management 98 (1), 124-133, 2010
Effects of environmental parameters and irrigation on the turgor pressure of banana plants measured using the non‐invasive, online monitoring leaf patch clamp pressure probe
U Zimmermann, S Rüger, O Shapira, M Westhoff, LH Wegner, R Reuss, ...
Plant Biology 12 (3), 424-436, 2010
Concomitant dendrometer and leaf patch pressure probe measurements reveal the effect of microclimate and soil moisture on diurnal stem water and leaf turgor variations in young …
W Ehrenberger, S Rüger, R Fitzke, P Vollenweider, M Günthardt-Goerg, ...
Functional Plant Biology 39 (4), 297-305, 2012
A non-invasive plant-based probe for continuous monitoring of water stress in real time: a new tool for irrigation scheduling and deeper insight into drought and salinity …
U Zimmermann, R Bitter, PER Marchiori, S Rüger, W Ehrenberger, ...
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 25, 2-11, 2013
Leaf patch clamp pressure probe measurements on olive leaves in a nearly turgorless state
W Ehrenberger, S Rüger, CM Rodríguez‐Domínguez, A Díaz‐Espejo, ...
Plant Biology 14 (4), 666-674, 2012
Concomitant measurements of stem sap flow and leaf turgor pressure in olive trees using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
CM Rodriguez-Dominguez, W Ehrenberger, C Sann, S Rüger, ...
Agricultural Water Management 114, 50-58, 2012
Non-invasive pressure probes magnetically clamped to leaves to monitor the water status of wheat
H Bramley, W Ehrenberger, U Zimmermann, JA Palta, S Rüger, ...
Plant and soil 369, 257-268, 2013
Comparative monitoring of temporal and spatial changes in tree water status using the non-invasive leaf patch clamp pressure probe and the pressure bomb
S Rüger, W Ehrenberger, M Arend, P Geßner, G Zimmermann, ...
Agricultural water management 98 (2), 283-290, 2010
Evaluating the usefulness of continuous leaf turgor pressure measurements for the assessment of Persimmon tree water status
MA Martínez-Gimeno, M Castiella, S Rüger, DS Intrigliolo, C Ballester
Irrigation Science 35, 159-167, 2017
Remote monitoring of leaf turgor pressure of grapevines subjected to different irrigation treatments using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe
S Rüger, Y Netzer, M Westhoff, D Zimmermann, R Reuss, S Ovadiya, ...
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16 (3), 405-412, 2010
Spatio‐temporal water dynamics in mature Banksia menziesii trees during drought
MKF Bader, W Ehrenberger, R Bitter, J Stevens, BP Miller, J Chopard, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 152 (2), 301-315, 2014
Evaluation of diel patterns of relative changes in cell turgor of tomato plants using leaf patch clamp pressure probes
KM Lee, SM Driever, E Heuvelink, S Rüger, U Zimmermann, A de Gelder, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 146 (4), 439-447, 2012
A novel crop water analysis system: identification of water stress tolerant genotypes of canola (Brassica napus L.) using non‐invasive magnetic turgor pressure …
S Kant, D Burch, W Ehrenberger, R Bitter, S Rüger, J Mason, ...
Plant Breeding 133 (5), 602-608, 2014
Usefulness of the ZIM-probe technology for detecting water stress in clementine and persimmon trees
C Ballester, M Castiella, U Zimmermann, S Rüger, MA Martínez Gimeno, ...
VIII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops 1150, 105-112, 2015
The leaf patch clamp pressure probe: a new tool for irrigation scheduling and deeper insight into olive drought stress physiology
S Rüger, W Ehrenberger, U Zimmermann, A Ben-Gal, N Agam, D Kool
Acta horticulturae 888, 223-230, 2011
Advanced plant-based, internet-sensor technology gives new insights into hydraulic plant functioning
A Schüttler, W Ehrenberger, S Rüger, H Bramley, K Siddique, M Arend, ...
IX International Workshop on Sap Flow 991, 313-320, 2013
Temperature-independent turgor pressure measurement device, method for producing said measurement device, and a method for temperature compensation for said measurement device
U Zimmermann, W Ehrenberger, S Rüger, G Zimmermann
US Patent 9,295,200, 2016
Turgor pressure-related measurements with the LPCP probe An alternative to the use of the Scholander chamber?
JE Fernandez, S Rüger, CM Rodriguez-Dominguez, MJ Martín-Palomo, ...
Usefulness of the ZIM-probe technology for detecting water stress in clementine and persimmon trees
C Ballester Lurbe, M Castiella, U Zimmermann, S Rüger, M Gimeno, ...
Deakin University, 2017
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