Frerk Saxen
Frerk Saxen
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FPGA-based real-time pedestrian detection on high-resolution images
M Hahnle, F Saxen, M Hisung, U Brunsmann, K Doll
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
Face attribute detection with mobilenetv2 and nasnet-mobile
F Saxen, P Werner, S Handrich, E Othman, L Dinges, A Al-Hamadi
2019 11th international symposium on image and signal processing and …, 2019
Color-based skin segmentation: An evaluation of the state of the art
F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4467-4471, 2014
Landmark based head pose estimation benchmark and method
P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi
2017 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 3909-3913, 2017
Cross-database evaluation of pain recognition from facial video
E Othman, P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi, S Walter
2019 11th international symposium on image and signal processing and …, 2019
Automatic vs. human recognition of pain intensity from facial expression on the X-ITE pain database
E Othman, P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi, S Gruss, S Walter
Sensors 21 (9), 3273, 2021
Handling Data Imbalance in Automatic Facial Action Intensity Estimation
P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 12, 2015
How the region of interest impacts contact free heart rate estimation algorithms
M Rapczynski, P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2027-2031, 2018
Real vs. fake emotion challenge: Learning to rank authenticity from facial activity descriptors
F Saxen, P Werner, A Al-Hamadi
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Classification networks for continuous automatic pain intensity monitoring in video using facial expression on the X-ITE Pain Database
E Othman, P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi, S Gruss, S Walter
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 91, 103743, 2023
Facial action unit recognition in the wild with multi-task CNN self-training for the EmotioNet challenge
P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Predicting group contribution behaviour in a public goods game from face-to-face communication
E Othman, F Saxen, D Bershadskyy, P Werner, A Al-Hamadi, J Weimann
Sensors 19 (12), 2786, 2019
An automatic system for continuous pain intensity monitoring based on analyzing data from uni-, bi-, and multi-modality
E Othman, P Werner, F Saxen, MA Fiedler, A Al-Hamadi
Sensors 22 (13), 4992, 2022
Generalizing to unseen head poses in facial expression recognition and action unit intensity estimation
P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi, H Yu
2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …, 2019
Superpixels for skin segmentation
F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi
Proc. Workshop Farbbildeerarbeitung, 153-159, 2014
Simultaneous prediction of valence/arousal and emotion categories in real-time
S Handrich, L Dinges, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi, S Wachmuth
2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2019
Simultaneous prediction of valence/arousal and emotion categories and its application in an HRC scenario
S Handrich, L Dinges, A Al-Hamadi, P Werner, F Saxen, Z Al Aghbari
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, 57-73, 2021
Detecting arbitrarily rotated faces for face analysis
F Saxen, S Handrich, P Werner, E Othman, A Al-Hamadi
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3945-3949, 2019
Image-based methods for interaction with head-worn worker-assistance systems
F Saxen, O Rashid, A Al-Hamadi, S Adler, A Kernchen, R Mecke
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications 2014, 2014
Automated Electrodermal activity and facial expression analysis for continuous pain intensity monitoring on the X-ITE pain database
E Othman, P Werner, F Saxen, A Al-Hamadi, S Gruss, S Walter
Life 13 (9), 1828, 2023
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