Jef Beerten
Jef Beerten
KU Leuven - EnergyVille
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Generalized steady-state VSC MTDC model for sequential AC/DC power flow algorithms
J Beerten, S Cole, R Belmans
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (2), 821-829, 2012
Generalized Dynamic VSC MTDC Model for Power System Stability Studies
S Cole, J Beerten, R Belmans
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (3), 1655-1662, 2010
HVDC grids: for offshore and supergrid of the future
D Van Hertem, O Gomis-Bellmunt, J Liang
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Nonunit protection of HVDC grids with inductive dc cable termination
W Leterme, J Beerten, D Van Hertem
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (2), 820-828, 2016
Modeling of Multi-terminal VSC HVDC Systems with Distributed DC Voltage Control
J Beerten, S Cole, R Belmans
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (1), 34-42, 2014
Predictive direct torque control for flux and torque ripple reduction
J Beerten, J Verveckken, J Driesen
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 57 (1), 404-412, 2009
Analysis of Power Sharing and Voltage Deviations in Droop-Controlled DC Grids
J Beerten, R Belmans
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (4), 4588 - 4597, 2013
A distributed DC voltage control method for VSC MTDC systems
C Dierckxsens, K Srivastava, M Reza, S Cole, J Beerten, R Belmans
Electric Power Systems Research 82 (1), 54-58, 2012
A sequential AC/DC power flow algorithm for networks containing multi-terminal VSC HVDC systems
J Beerten, S Cole, R Belmans
IEEE PES general meeting, 1-7, 2010
Identification and Small-Signal Analysis of Interaction Modes in VSC MTDC Systems
J Beerten, S D Arco, J Suul
Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (2), 888-897, 2016
Identification and Small-Signal Analysis of Interaction Modes in VSC MTDC Systems
J Beerten, S D Arco, JA Suul
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (2), 888-897, 2016
A classification of DC node voltage control methods for HVDC grids
TK Vrana, J Beerten, R Belmans, OB Fosso
Electric power systems research 103, 137-144, 2013
VSC MTDC systems with a distributed DC voltage control-A power flow approach
J Beerten, D Van Hertem, R Belmans
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 1-6, 2011
A new HVDC grid test system for HVDC grid dynamics and protection studies in EMT-type software
W Leterme, N Ahmed, J Beerten, L Ängquist, D Van Hertem, S Norrga
11th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 1-7, 2015
Frequency‐dependent cable modelling for small‐signal stability analysis of VSC‐HVDC systems
J Beerten, S D'Arco, JA Suul
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (6), 1370-1381, 2016
Optimizing DC Voltage Droop Settings for AC/DC System Interactions
R Eriksson, J Beerten, M Ghandhari, R Belmans
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (1), 362 - 369, 2014
Generalized dynamic phasor modeling of the MMC for small-signal stability analysis
ÖC Sakinci, J Beerten
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 34 (3), 991-1000, 2019
Development of an Open Source Power Flow Software for HVDC Grids and Hybrid AC/DC Systems: MATACDC
J Beerten, R Belmans
IET Generation Transmission & Distribution 9 (10), 966-974, 2015
Modeling and control of HVDC grids: A key challenge for the future power system
J Beerten, O Gomis-Bellmunt, X Guillaud, J Rimez, A Van Der Meer, ...
2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-21, 2014
Hierarchical power control of multiterminal HVDC grids
A Egea-Alvarez, J Beerten, D Van Hertem, O Gomis-Bellmunt
Electric Power Systems Research 121, 207-215, 2015
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