Meritxell Vinyals
Meritxell Vinyals
Research fellow, INRAE
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A survey on sensor networks from a multiagent perspective
M Vinyals, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, J Cerquides
The Computer Journal 54 (3), 455-470, 2011
Constructing a unifying theory of dynamic programming DCOP algorithms via the generalized distributive law
M Vinyals, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, J Cerquides
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 22, 439-464, 2011
Efficient buyer groups with prediction-of-use electricity tariffs
V Robu, M Vinyals, A Rogers, NR Jennings
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (5), 4468-4479, 2017
Quality guarantees for region optimal DCOP algorithms
M Vinyals, E Shieh, J Cerquides, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, Z Yin, M Tambe, ...
The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2011
Coalitional energy purchasing in the smart grid
M Vinyals, F Bistaffa, A Farinelli, A Rogers
2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON), 848-853, 2012
Divide-and-coordinate: DCOPs by agreement.
M Vinyals, M Pujol-Gonzalez, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, J Cerquides
AAMAS 10, 149-156, 2010
Ontology-based demand-side flexibility management in smart grids using a multi-agent system
JL Hippolyte, S Howell, B Yuce, M Mourshed, HA Sleiman, M Vinyals, ...
2016 IEEE international smart cities conference (ISC2), 1-7, 2016
Prediction-of-use games: a cooperative game theory approach to sustainable energy tariffs
M Vinyals, V Robu, A Rogers, NR Jennings
Generalizing DPOP: Action-GDL, a new complete algorithm for DCOPs.
M Vinyals, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, J Cerquides
AAMAS (2), 1239-1240, 2009
Fully distributed security constrained optimal power flow with primary frequency control
M Velay, M Vinyals, Y Besanger, N Retière
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 110, 536-547, 2019
Computationally-efficient winner determination for mixed multi-unit combinatorial auctions
A Giovannucci, M Vinyals, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, J Cerquides
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008
Stable coalition formation among energy consumers in the smart grid
M Vinyals, F Bistaffa, A Farinelli, A Rogers
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for …, 2012
A scalable message-passing algorithm for supply chain formation
T Penya-Alba, M Vinyals, J Cerquides, J Rodriguez-Aguilar
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 1436-1442, 2012
A test suite for the evaluation of mixed multi-unit combinatorial auctions
M Vinyals, A Giovannucci, J Cerquides, P Meseguer, ...
Journal of Algorithms 63 (1-3), 130-150, 2008
An uncertainty-aware optimization approach for flexible loads of smart grid prosumers: A use case on the Cardiff energy grid
F Lilliu, A Loi, DR Recupero, M Sisinni, M Vinyals
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 20, 100272, 2019
A novel payment scheme for trading renewable energy in smart grid
F Lilliu, M Vinyals, R Denysiuk, DR Recupero
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy …, 2019
Worst-case bounds on the quality of max-product fixed-points
M Vinyals, J Cerquides, A Farinelli, J Rodríguez-aguilar
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23, 2010
Secure automated home energy management in multi-agent smart grid architecture
H Elshaafi, M Vinyals, I Grimaldi, S Davy
Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 3, 1-13, 2018
A multi-agent system for energy trading between prosumers
M Vinyals, M Velay, M Sisinni
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 14th International …, 2018
Distributed Constraint Handling and Optimization
A Farinelli, M Vinyals, A Rogers, NR Jennings
MIT Press, 2013
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