Rudolf Debelak
Rudolf Debelak
Senior Research Associate
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Intraindividual variability in inhibitory function in adults with ADHD–an ex-Gaussian approach
D Gmehlin, ABM Fuermaier, S Walther, R Debelak, M Rentrop, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e112298, 2014
Eine Normierungsstudie eines modifizierten TRAIL making tests Im deutschsprachigen Raum
K Rodewald, M Bartolovic, R Debelak, S Aschenbrenner, M Weisbrod, ...
Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2012
Assessing planning ability across the adult life span: Population-representative and age-adjusted reliability estimates for the Tower of London (TOL-F)
CP Kaller, R Debelak, L Köstering, J Egle, B Rahm, PS Wild, M Blettner, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 31 (2), 148-164, 2016
Male depression risk, psychological distress, and psychotherapy uptake: Validation of the German version of the male depression risk scale
A Walther, J Grub, U Ehlert, S Wehrli, S Rice, ZE Seidler, R Debelak
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 4, 100107, 2021
Testing the Local Independence Assumption of the Rasch Model With Q3-Based Nonparametric Model Tests
R Debelak, I Koller
Applied Psychological Measurement 44 (2), 103-117, 2020
Assessment of planning ability: Psychometric analyses on the unidimensionality and construct validity of the Tower of London Task (TOL-F).
R Debelak, J Egle, L Köstering, CP Kaller
Neuropsychology 30 (3), 346, 2016
Principal component analysis of smoothed tetrachoric correlation matrices as a measure of dimensionality
R Debelak, US Tran
Educational and Psychological Measurement 73 (1), 63-77, 2013
An R toolbox for score-based measurement invariance tests in IRT models
L Schneider, C Strobl, A Zeileis, R Debelak
Behavior Research Methods 54 (5), 2101-2113, 2022
Model selection of nested and non-nested item response models using Vuong tests
L Schneider, RP Chalmers, R Debelak, EC Merkle
Multivariate Behavioral Research 55 (5), 664-684, 2020
On gender differences in mental rotation processing speed
R Debelak, G Gittler, M Arendasy
Learning and Individual Differences 29, 8-17, 2014
Cognitive and personality determinants of safe driving performance in professional drivers
M Vetter, AL Schünemann, D Brieber, R Debelak, M Gatscha, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 52, 191-201, 2018
Comparing the effects of different smoothing algorithms on the assessment of dimensionality of ordered categorical items with parallel analysis
R Debelak, US Tran
PLoS One 11 (2), e0148143, 2016
Interpretable machine learning for psychological research: Opportunities and pitfalls.
M Henninger, R Debelak, Y Rothacher, C Strobl
Psychological Methods, 2023
Psychobiological protective factors modifying the association between age and sexual health in men: findings from the men’s health 40+ study
A Walther, F Mahler, R Debelak, U Ehlert
American journal of men's health 11 (3), 737-747, 2017
An introduction to the rasch model with examples in r
R Debelak, C Strobl, MD Zeigenfuse
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2022
Development and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure for systemic sclerosis: the EULAR Systemic Sclerosis Impact of Disease (ScleroID) questionnaire
MO Becker, R Dobrota, A Garaiman, R Debelak, K Fligelstone, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 81 (4), 507-515, 2022
Power analysis for the Wald, LR, score, and gradient tests in a marginal maximum likelihood framework: Applications in IRT
F Zimmer, C Draxler, R Debelak
Psychometrika 88 (4), 1249-1298, 2023
Investigating measurement invariance by means of parameter instability tests for 2PL and 3PL models
R Debelak, C Strobl
Educational and Psychological Measurement 79 (2), 385-398, 2019
Package eRm (extended Rasch modeling)
P Mair, R Hatzinger, M Maier, T Rusch, R Debelak
Reference manual. R package version 0.14-0. URL: http://cran. r-project. org …, 2011
An evaluation of overall goodness-of-fit tests for the Rasch model
R Debelak
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2710, 2019
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