Bernard Chiu
Bernard Chiu
Associate Professor in Wilfrid Laurier University
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Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging
A Fenster, G Parraga, BCY Chiu, E Ukwatta
Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy, 39-63, 2015
Evaluation of segmentation algorithms for medical imaging
A Fenster, B Chiu
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005. IEEE-EMBS 2005. 27th …, 2005
Three-dimensional ultrasound quantification of intensive statin treatment of carotid atherosclerosis
A Krasinski, B Chiu, JD Spence, A Fenster, G Parraga
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 35 (11), 1763-1772, 2009
Quantification of carotid vessel wall and plaque thickness change using 3D ultrasound images
B Chiu, M Egger, JD Spence, G Parraga, A Fenster
Medical physics 35 (8), 3691-3710, 2008
Prostate contouring uncertainty in megavoltage computed tomography images acquired with a helical tomotherapy unit during image-guided radiation therapy
WY Song, B Chiu, GS Bauman, M Lock, G Rodrigues, R Ash, C Lewis, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 65 (2), 595-607, 2006
Prostate segmentation algorithm using dyadic wavelet transform and discrete dynamic contour
B Chiu, GH Freeman, MMA Salama, A Fenster
Physics in Medicine and Biology 49 (21), 4943, 2004
Automatic segmentation approach to extracting neonatal cerebral ventricles from 3D ultrasound images
W Qiu, Y Chen, J Kishimoto, S de Ribaupierre, B Chiu, A Fenster, J Yuan
Medical Image Analysis 35, 181-191, 2017
Fast prostate segmentation in 3D TRUS images based on continuity constraint using an autoregressive model
M Ding, B Chiu, I Gyacskov, X Yuan, M Drangova, DB Downey, A Fenster
Medical physics 34 (11), 4109-4125, 2007
Three-dimensional segmentation of three-dimensional ultrasound carotid atherosclerosis using sparse field level sets
E Ukwatta, J Yuan, D Buchanan, B Chiu, J Awad, W Qiu, G Parraga, ...
Medical physics 40 (5), 052903, 2013
Analysis of carotid lumen surface morphology using three-dimensional ultrasound imaging
B Chiu, V Beletsky, JD Spence, G Parraga, A Fenster
Physics in medicine and biology 54 (5), 1149, 2009
Mapping spatial and temporal changes in carotid atherosclerosis from three-dimensional ultrasound images
M Egger, B Chiu, JD Spence, A Fenster, G Parraga
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 34 (1), 64-72, 2008
Characterization of carotid plaques on 3-dimensional ultrasound imaging by registration with multicontrast magnetic resonance imaging
B Chiu, V Shamdasani, R Entrekin, C Yuan, WS Kerwin
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 31 (10), 1567-1580, 2012
Area-preserving flattening maps of 3D ultrasound carotid arteries images
B Chiu, M Egger, DJ Spence, G Parraga, A Fenster
Medical image analysis 12 (6), 676-688, 2008
Breast lesion classification based on supersonic shear-wave elastography and automated lesion segmentation from B-mode ultrasound images
Y Yu, Y Xiao, J Cheng, B Chiu
Computers in Biology and Medicine 93, 31-46, 2018
Multilabel classification with group-based mapping: a framework with local feature selection and local label correlation
J Ma, BCY Chiu, TWS Chow
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (6), 4596-4610, 2020
Fast plaque burden assessment of the femoral artery using 3D black-blood MRI and automated segmentation
B Chiu, J Sun, X Zhao, J Wang, N Balu, J Chi, J Xu, C Yuan, WS Kerwin
Medical physics 38 (10), 5370-5384, 2011
Area-preserving mapping of 3D carotid ultrasound images using density-equalizing reference map
GPT Choi, B Chiu, CH Rycroft
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (9), 2507-2517, 2020
Sensitive three‐dimensional ultrasound assessment of carotid atherosclerosis by weighted average of local vessel wall and plaque thickness change
J Cheng, E Ukwatta, S Shavakh, TWS Chow, G Parraga, JD Spence, ...
Medical physics 44 (10), 5280-5292, 2017
Nonrigid registration of three-dimensional ultrasound and magnetic resonance images of the carotid arteries
ND Nanayakkara, B Chiu, A Samani, JD Spence, J Samarabandu, ...
Medical physics 36 (2), 373-385, 2009
Trace ratio criterion based discriminative feature selection via l2, p-norm regularization for supervised learning
M Zhao, M Lin, B Chiu, Z Zhang, X Tang
Neurocomputing 321, 1-16, 2018
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