Vishwajeet Pattanaik
Vishwajeet Pattanaik
IISc Bangalore, India | Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
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Frameworks for collective intelligence: A systematic literature review
S Suran, V Pattanaik, D Draheim
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (1), 1-36, 2020
Legally enforceable smart-contract languages: A systematic literature review
V Dwivedi, V Pattanaik, V Deval, A Dixit, A Norta, D Draheim
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (5), 1-34, 2021
Smart real-time traffic congestion estimation and clustering technique for urban vehicular roads
V Pattanaik, M Singh, PK Gupta, SK Singh
2016 IEEE region 10 conference (TENCON), 3420-3423, 2016
Environmentally adaptive fish or no-fish classification for river video fish counters using high-performance desktop and embedded hardware
J Soom, V Pattanaik, M Leier, JA Tuhtan
Ecological Informatics 72, 101817, 2022
Weather - Temperature Pattern Prediction and Anomaly Identification using Artificial Neural Network
H Tyagi, S Suran, V Pattanaik
International Journal of Computer Applications 140 (3), 15 - 21, 2016
Exploratory analysis of collective intelligence projects developed within the eu-horizon 2020 framework
S Suran, V Pattanaik, SB Yahia, D Draheim
Computational Collective Intelligence: 11th International Conference, ICCCI …, 2019
Enhancing K means by unsupervised learning using PSO algorithm
A Gupta, V Pattanaik, M Singh
2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation …, 2017
Building global societies on collective intelligence: Challenges and opportunities
S Suran, V Pattanaik, R Kurvers, CA Hallin, A De Liddo, R Krimmer, ...
Digital Government: Research and Practice 3 (4), 1-6, 2022
Discovering shortest path between points in cerebrovascular system
S Suran, V Pattanaik, D Malathi
Proceedings of the 6th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange …, 2014
Systematic support for full knowledge management lifecycle by advanced semantic annotation across information system boundaries
V Pattanaik, A Norta, M Felderer, D Draheim
Information Systems in the Big Data Era: CAiSE Forum 2018, Tallinn, Estonia …, 2018
Enabling social information exchange via dynamically robust annotations
V Pattanaik, S Suran, D Draheim
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration …, 2019
Enabling sensemaking and trust in communities: an organizational perspective
SA Peious, S Suran, V Pattanaik, D Draheim
The 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web …, 2021
Communitycare: Tackling mental health issues with the help of community
S Suran, V Pattanaik, D Draheim
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Integration …, 2020
The Generic Collective Intelligence Framework: A Qualitative View
S Suran, V Pattanaik, D Draheim
Available at SSRN 4468723, 2023
A Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing Framework for Web Browsers: Analysis and Evaluation
V Pattanaik, I Sharvadze, D Draheim
SN Computer Science 1 (4), 214, 2020
Framework for peer-to-peer data sharing over web browsers
V Pattanaik, I Sharvadze, D Draheim
International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering, 207-225, 2019
Survey Paper on Encryption, Authentication and Auditing Services for better Cloud Security
A Gupta, V Pattanaik
International Journal of Computer Applications 138 (10), 33 - 37, 2016
Inducing human-like motion in robots
V Pattanaik, S Suran, S Prabakaran
Proceedings of the 6th IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange …, 2014
Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Deterministic Autoencoder: Theoretical and Empirical Insights
A Mazumder, T Baruah, B Kumar, R Sharma, V Pattanaik, P Rathore
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2024
DeepVAT: A Self-Supervised Technique for Cluster Assessment in Image Datasets
A Mazumder, T Baruah, AK Singh, PK Murthy, V Pattanaik, P Rathore
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 187-195, 2023
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